Current market developments in M&A transactions by private equity investors
Currently, an increase in transaction volumes can be observed in both corporate and private equity transactions. The general conditions for private equity investors are still right, especially with regard to financing. In the corporate sector, US and Asian buyers in particular are active in the German market. However, for both investor groups, the demand for investment opportunities exceeds the supply of companies.
Direct investments in medium-sized companies are very attractive for entrepreneurial families, especially if the medium-sized company is a family-run business. This is where interests and understanding of the same kind often come together in the management of a company.
Which increases the likelihood of getting in on the action.
There are a number of mechanisms for this, ranging from purchase agreements to insurance policies. However, this does not change the fact that a good due diligence should be carried out before acquiring a company and that in most cases there is a residual risk.