The role of financial due diligence in the small and mid-cap sector
In principle, the identification and assessment of risks is very important in every transaction and in every segment in order to avoid negative surprises for the buyer. In the small and mid-cap sector, however, there are special features that need to be taken into account. While transactions in the large cap segment are in most cases based on audited annual financial statements and a granular basis of figures, transactions in the small and mid-cap segment are often based on an inadequate, not very detailed basis of figures and sometimes on unaudited annual financial statements. For these reasons, it is important to take a special look at the figures as part of financial due diligence. Tax optimizations (e.g. due to wrongly devalued inventories or formed provisions) must be understood in order to determine the actual profitability of the company to be purchased.
Inadequate or non-existent controlling instruments often make it impossible to recognize at first glance which products / services are generating profit or cash flow. This often requires digging deeper into the available figures and using assumptions to determine an indicative view. In addition to the inadequacies in the figures, other aspects also play a role in financial due diligence in the small and mid-cap segment to ensure that the transaction can be successfully implemented in the end. It often starts with the fact that it is helpful for consultants to speak the same language as the managing partner on the seller’s side. By the same language, we mean both the German language and a linguistic ability in terms of content, which we ensure through the comparatively high commitment of very experienced team members. Last but not least, it is also important to understand the seller and his situation, but at the same time to obtain all the information necessary for due diligence.
As already mentioned, tax optimizations can often be found. To this end, inventories are sometimes written down to an exaggerated extent or provisions are formed. Accounting methods are often changed in the decisive valuation year in order to drive up the purchase price. All these effects must be understood in detail as part of the due diligence process in order to develop a view of sustainable profitability. Other typical findings in small and mid-cap transactions are often the combination of private and business matters. We have experienced several times that expenses that were actually incurred for private purposes can be found in the company’s profit and loss account. In some cases, related parties are also paid, but they do not (or no longer) provide the full service to the company. We have also found various assets in the balance sheet that definitely do not belong to the business purpose and company. This entire combination of private and business must be clearly separated and eliminated before the transaction is completed.
One trend that has been going on for some time is the buy and build strategy, in which a nucleus is purchased as a platform investment and then expanded into a larger group via (sometimes smaller) acquisitions. I also see this forward-looking trend as the trend in the small and mid-cap segment. Financing is sometimes easier than for large-cap transactions and purchase price expectations are also comparatively more realistic than in the large-cap segment. I suspect that it will take until 2024 for the sales price expectations in all segments to more closely reflect reality again.
About Jochen Reis
Jochen Reis is a partner at Rödl & Partner and has been head of transaction consulting at the Eschborn office for around 10 years. The team at the office comprises more than 20 transaction specialists with a focus on small and mid-cap transactions (approx. 120 projects last year). Our clients include both financial investors and corporates who primarily make acquisitions in the SME sector in Germany and abroad. Before joining Rödl & Partner, Jochen Reis worked at pwc for 13 years, mainly in transaction advisory in the private equity sector in the large-cap sector.
Rödl & Partner is the agile caretaker for medium-sized global market leaders and is represented at 110 of its own locations in around 50 countries. In addition to transaction consulting, Rödl & Partner offers services in the areas of auditing, tax consulting, legal advice, corporate and IT consulting.