HTGF invests in FinTech Troy
Hamburg/ Lippstadt — The new FinTech company troy is changing the traditional debt collection industry with methods from marketing and CRM, it revolutionizes the debt collection process and combines machine learning with friendliness. The goal of the start-up with locations in Lippstadt (NRW) and Hamburg is to maintain the relationship between company and customer in addition to the realization of receivables. To achieve this, troy’s founders, Philip Rürup and Till Völzke (photo), rely on multichannel communication, as well as individualized and data-driven approaches combined with decades of debt collection expertise.
The two founders and managing directors of troy, Philip Rürup and Till Völzke, founded their FinTech in 2017. The first clients from the energy supply, publishing and multichannel retail sectors are already using troy’s new debt collection service. In May 2018, troy was able to close a seven-figure financing round and win over several investors, including High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), 3E Capital Group and several business angels from the FinTech world. The company is going public with the launch in August 2018.
The investors
Lead investors in troy include HTGF, experienced serial founder Hans-Jürgen Even with his Founder Catalyst 3E Capital Group, as well as business angels from the FinTech world, including Tamaz Georgadze, Frank Freund and Michael Stephan (all Raisin / Weltsparen), Gamal Moukabary and Andreas Bermig (both Bonify).
“About half of consumers fall behind on payments due to forgetfulness or short-term shortages. Nevertheless, these customers have so far been treated in the collection process as if they had deliberately not paid. The process is impersonal, bureaucratic and unpleasant. It is obvious that companies usually lose their customers as a result. We change that! We continue to treat the customer as a customer, using tried-and-tested methods of multichannel CRM, targeting approaches and machine learning. In this way, we reach customers via the communication channel that is most convenient for them and maintain the customer relationship for our clients,” says Philip Rürup, founder and CEO of troy.
“It is particularly pleasing that the individualized, friendly communication as well as flexible processes also have a positive effect on the recovery rate. This reinforces our mission to become the most customer-friendly debt collection company in Europe,” adds Till Völzke.
About troy
troy is a FinTech that specializes in customer-friendly, digital debt collection. The startup optimizes the customer experience in debt collection and thus preserves the customer relationship. To do this, troy uses tools and methods from marketing and CRM and combines them with data and machine learning. troy was founded in 2017 by Philip Rürup and Till Völzke in Lippstadt and currently has locations in Lippstadt and Hamburg. The first clients come from the energy supply, publishing and multichannel retail sectors. Lead investors include the public-private partnership HTGF, High-Tech Gründerfonds, in which the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy is also involved, 3E Capital Group and business angels from the FinTech world including Tamaz Georgadze, Frank Freund and Michael Stephan (all Raisin / Weltsparen), Gamal Moukabary and Andreas Bermig (both Bonify).