ASTUTIA Ventures invests in B2B platform for construction projects
Munich — With Building Radar, ASTUTIA Ventures welcomes a new company to its portfolio. The Munich-based start-up offers a B2B platform for construction projects that allows suppliers and service providers to search projects worldwide and identify them at an early stage. In real time, Building Radar provides multi-layered data and information across all design and construction phases, including satellite imagery, analytics and industry trends. “We are looking forward to working with the founders Paul Indinger and Leopold Neuerbur,” said Benedict Rodenstock (photo), founder and managing director of ASTUTIA Ventures.
The Building Radar data analytics platform allows companies to find out about all construction projects near them or around the world, track your competitors’ next moves, or evaluate new strategic partnerships. The satellite-assisted search algorithm makes it possible to discover new construction projects months earlier than competitors, to verify data on projects (e.g. construction phase or building size) and to perform intelligent real-time analyses, for example on industry trends.
About ASTUTIA Ventures
As an owner-managed, independent investment company, ASTUTIA Ventures has been investing in innovative companies with outstanding growth potential for 10 years now. Our focus is on the Internet and digital media. We offer founders and companies in the early growth phase venture capital, a top-class international network and cross-industry know-how for successful development.