
Bridgepoint acquires leading caterer Vermaat Groep

Cate­gory: Private Equity
9. Octo­ber 2019

Frank­furt a. Main - Bridge­point acqui­res a stake in Vermaat Groep B.V., the Dutch market leader for high-quality cate­ring and hospi­ta­lity services. Bridge­point is acqui­ring a majo­rity stake in the company from Swiss-listed finan­cial inves­tor Part­ners Group, which will remain a mino­rity inves­tor in the company.

Vermaat was foun­ded in 1978 as a deli­ca­tes­sen and is a specia­list in custo­mi­zed gastro­nomy. The company provi­des premium outsour­ced cate­ring services to a variety of markets inclu­ding corpo­ra­ti­ons, muse­ums, hospi­tals and travel centers. Today, Vermaat opera­tes more than 350 food and beverage stores in the Nether­lands, inclu­ding restau­rants, cafés and canteens, and also has an incre­asing presence in Germany. The company serves a number of high-profile custo­mers and employs over 4000 people. Sales of €300 million are expec­ted for 2019. Part­ners Group acqui­red Vermaat Groep B.V. from the foun­ding family in 2015.

Olivier van Riet Paap, Head of Bridgepoint’s invest­ment acti­vi­ties in Bene­luxsaid: “Vermaat is a clear Euro­pean leader thanks to its repu­ta­tion for crea­ti­vity in formats, quality and food inno­va­tion. In a frag­men­ted Euro­pean market which is under­ser­ved by larger groups, the Vermaat plat­form, working with Bridge­point, will have the resour­ces and inter­na­tio­nal reach to further deve­lop its German presence and to enter new markets across Europe.” The premium outsour­ced cate­ring segment is the fastest growing segment in the larger cate­ring market and is curr­ently valued at over €2 billion within the combi­ned Dutch and German cate­ring markets valued at €13 billion.

Advi­sors Bridge­point: Roth­schild (Corpo­rate Finance), EY (Finan­cial and Commer­cial), White­Space Part­ners (Commer­cial), Fresh­fields (Legal), ERM (ESG).

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