
Heuking advises on sale of burger chain Hans im Glück to GAB and Backwerk

21. Janu­ary 2020

Munich — A team led by Prof. Dr. Georg Streit advi­sed HANS IM GLÜCK Fran­chise GmbH on the sale of the Hans im Glück burger chain. The former majo­rity share­hol­der AML Invest Treu­hand­ge­sell­schaft mbH sold and trans­fer­red its stake in HANS IM GLÜCK Fran­chise GmbH to a group of inves­tors. This group of inves­tors includes GAB Grundstücks‑, Finanzierungs‑, Verwal­­tungs- und Betei­li­gungs GmbH, which has alre­ady been a mino­rity share­hol­der, and the foun­ders of the Back­werk bakery chain, Dr. Dirk Schnei­der and Dr. Hans-Chris­­tian Limmer. The parties have agreed not to disc­lose the purchase price.

The new share­hol­ders want above all to streng­then and further expand the fran­chise system. The two current mana­ging direc­tors Johan­nes Bühler and Jens Hall­bauer will remain with HANS IM GLÜCK Fran­chise GmbH.
In the months leading up to the tran­sac­tion, the Heuking team was entrus­ted with legal support, parti­cu­larly with regard to corpo­rate and M&A, in the context of a complex situa­tion and was invol­ved in multi-laye­­red negotiations.

HANS IM GLÜCK was foun­ded in 2010 by Thomas Hirsch­ber­ger in Munich and most recently held via his family holding AML Invest Treu­hand­ge­sell­schaft mbH. With 81 stores, the brand is on course for growth. In 2019, HANS IM GLÜCK Fran­chise GmbH recor­ded its stron­gest sales growth since its foun­ding, with more than 147 million euros in exter­nal sales.

Advi­sors to HANS IM GLÜCK Fran­chise GmbH: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
Prof. Dr. Georg Streit (Lead Part­ner, Restructuring)
Dr. Kai Büch­ler (Restruc­tu­ring),
Dr. Stephan Degen (Tax), all Munich

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