Exit: DBAG sells Telio stake to Charterhouse Capital Partners
Frankfurt am Main — Deutsche Beteiligungs AG (DBAG) successfully completes its investment in the telecommunications and software company Telio. Its shares in the company will be sold to Charterhouse Capital Partners LLP, a financial investor based in the United Kingdom. The shares of DBAG Fund VI, which was advised by DBAG, and the Telio management will also be sold. Corresponding contracts were signed last week; their execution is still subject to regulatory approvals. The transaction is expected to close within the next four months.
DBAG is now realizing proceeds from the sale, which roughly correspond to the valuation of the investment in DBAG’s most recent IFRS interim financial statements (March 31, 2021). Therefore, the transaction will not add any further value in the current quarter. However, additional value contributions may arise from the future development of the company via a re-investment: DBAG and DBAG Fund VI will invest part of the proceeds from the sale and will hold around 13 percent (of which DBAG will hold around 2.5 percentage points) of Telio shares in the future.
Further disposal of the DBAG Fund VI portfolio
The sale of the investment in Telio is the fifth completion of a management buy-out (MBO) from the DBAG Fund VI portfolio. A further shareholding (Pfaudler Group) was mainly sold last year. The fund had structured eleven MBOs between 2013 and 2016. With DBAG Fund VI, DBAG had begun to invest increasingly outside traditional industrial sectors; Telio is one of the MBOs from new growth sectors.
Telio (www.tel.io, Hamburg) develops, installs and operates communication and media systems for the correctional system, thus making a significant contribution to the resocialization of prisoners. Telio installs telephones and associated systems in prisons that allow inmates to make controlled calls — from the cell wing or directly from their detention room. The range of services includes other means of communication: televisions, DVD players, radios and computers with limited Internet access. The basis for commercial success is initially investment in appropriate installations (cables, terminal equipment) and software developed in-house for monitoring and billing usage. The software takes over part of the work of the correctional officers and thus facilitates their daily prison routine. Telio also plans to transition to Internet-based services and telephony.
Corporate acquisitions to accelerate transformation
DBAG and DBAG Fund VI had invested in Telio in April 2016 in the course of an MBO and currently hold 83 percent of the shares, of which DBAG holds 15.3 percentage points. Since then, Telio has become a global leader in inmate communications and the technology and infrastructure needed to support it. Sales have more than tripled; in 2020, they amounted to around 83 million euros. In addition to organic growth, company acquisitions also contributed to the growth rate of more than 22 percent per year on average; DBAG and DBAG Fund VI had twice provided additional funds for this purpose. Telio has entered new regional markets and significantly expanded its product offering, for example with technology that detects and stops the illegal use of cell phones in prisons. Telio is increasingly focusing on digital solutions, for example in the areas of video telephony and e‑learning. Telio is now represented in 700 facilities in 21 countries worldwide; 80 percent of sales are generated in Europe, nine percent of which are in Germany. Since the beginning of the investment, the number of employees has increased to 218.
more than doubled.
“Telio has undergone a major transformation and once again improved its market position,” DBAG board member Tom Alzin said today; “demonstrating once again that corporate acquisitions can decisively accelerate a company’s development — and in this case, its repositioning.” And, “In no small part, heavy investment in Internet-based communications has made it possible for many inmates to maintain contact with their loved ones via phone and video in recent months, despite pandemic-related visitor bans.”
Alantra advisedCharterhouse Capital Partners on an investment in Telio Management GmbH. Alantra is a global alternative asset management, investment banking and credit portfolio advisory firm focused on providing services to businesses, families and investors operating in the middle market segment. The Group has more than 540 professionals in Europe, the USA, Latin America and Asia.
About Charterhouse
Charterhouse is one of the longest established private equity firms in Europe. The company combines expertise and capital, working with ambitious founders and management teams to drive transformative change. Charterhouse takes a selective, conviction-based approach and invests in high-quality middle-market European companies in the services, healthcare, specialized industrials and consumer sectors. The focus is on transactions with an enterprise value of between €200 million and €1.5 billion.
About Deutsche Beteiligungs AG
Deutsche Beteiligungs AG, a listed company, initiates closed-end private equity funds and invests — predominantly alongside DBAG funds — in well-positioned medium-sized companies with potential. One focus for many years has been industry. An increasing proportion of equity investments are in companies in the growth sectors of broadband telecommunications, IT services/software and healthcare. The long-term, value-enhancing entrepreneurial investment approach makes DBAG a sought-after investment partner in the German-speaking region. Assets managed or advised by the DBAG Group amount to €2.5 billion.