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Impact of the Corona pandemic on transaction advisory services

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Impact of the Corona pandemic on transaction advisory services

Volk­mar Berner — Part­ner at RSM GmbH, Munich

The Corona pandemic still has a firm grip on the world and is not stopping at corporate transactions. Not only does the pandemic affect upcoming sales, but ongoing M&A transactions are often reanalyzed under these circumstances.

A declining number of mergers and acquisitions with and by German companies was already becoming apparent in 2019. According to evaluations of the ZEPHYR database, the M&A Index, which has been recording the number of completed M&A transactions with German participation since 2005, was at a record low in the second half of the year. In 2019, 14,314 million euros were invested in Germany (evaluations by the Bundesverband Deutscher Kapitalbeteiligungsgesellschaften e.V.). This represented an increase of 19% over the previous year.