Through strategy and tactics to the maximum company sales priceKarl A. Niggemann — Managing Partner IfW Karl A. Niggemann & Partner GmbH & Co.KG, Meinerzhagen
Mark Niggemann — Managing Director IfW Karl A. Niggemann & Partner GmbH & Co.KG, Meinerzhagen
The sale of a company is usually a one-time and irrevocable decision for the owner. Mistakes here are extremely costly. Despite this known risk, company sales are repeatedly carried out on terms that are not in the interests of either the company or the selling family. The interests of company sellers include not only achieving a fair market price and avoiding risks from the assumption of guarantees. As a rule, there is also the desire for a long-term stable perspective for the company and to preserve jobs, locations and company names.
Choosing the right time is important for achieving the goal. Which design is ideal from a tax point of view? Is the corporate structure optimal for the sale? From a buyer's perspective, are there any problem areas that make the sale difficult? It is conceivable, for example, that important customers will react negatively if sales are made to certain buyers. Antitrust difficulties can also be problematic. What are some ways to "adorn the bride?" What findings can be derived from the analysis of the most recent financial statements? Are all important rights secured in the sale? Does it make sense to spin off certain areas?
In addition to the specific company situation, the economic situation also affects the sales price. In a period of economic downturn, the expectations of potential buyers are negative. This inevitably has an impact on the achievable sales price. The mood in the German economy is currently very good. Since company purchase prices depend to a large extent on the future expectations of the buyer, promising planning scenarios have a positive effect.
Buyer groups
Another very important aspect is the selection of the right buyer groups. Are strategic investors coming into question who are also prepared to pay a "strategic purchase price"? As a rule, strategic investors have sufficient capital to further develop an acquired company - and, of course, to pay a purchase price,
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