Photo: Wolf-Henning Scheider, soon to be Head of Private Equity at Partners Group

Wolf-Henning Scheider becomes CEO of Private Equity at Partners Group

Photo: Wolf-Henning Schei­der, soon to be Head of Private Equity at Part­ners Group
12. July 2022

Zug (Switz­er­land) — Part­ners Group, a leading global private markets firm, announ­ces the appoint­ment of Wolf-Henning Schei­der as Part­ner and Head of Private Equity. Mr. Schei­der will be based at the company’s head­quar­ters in Baar-Zug, Switz­er­land. Mr. Schei­der to replace David Layton, Part­ners Group’s Chief Execu­tive Offi­cer (“CEO”), as Head of Private Equity. Mr. Layton had retai­ned leader­ship of the private equity divi­sion after being named co-CEO in 2018 and sole CEO in 2021.

Mr. Schei­der is curr­ently CEO and Chair­man of the Board of Manage­ment of the ZF Group, a global
Tech­no­logy company that manu­fac­tures systems for passen­ger cars, commer­cial vehic­les and indus­trial tech­no­logy and gene­ra­tes sales of over 38 billion euros.
Previously, he served as CEO and Chair­man of the Manage­ment Board of the MAHLE Group. Mr. Schei­der began his career at Robert Bosch in 1987 and later became a member of the company’s Board of Management.

At Part­ners Group, Mr. Schei­der will focus speci­fi­cally on the firm’s control private equity port­fo­lio, which is focu­sed on four verti­cals: Goods & Products, Health & Life, Services and Tech­no­logy. This port­fo­lio includes more than 100 compa­nies in 23 count­ries and and employs more than 250,000 people as of March 31, 2022.

David Layton, Part­ner and CEO of Part­ners Group, says: “We are deligh­ted to welcome Wolf to Part­ners Group. While the term ‘private equity’ conju­res up a Wall Street image for some, our private equity approach today is about buil­ding busi­nesses — it’s about entre­pre­neu­rial leader­ship, strategy,
opera­tio­nal excel­lence and culture. With more than three deca­des of senior manage­ment expe­ri­ence, Wolf is ideally posi­tio­ned to deepen the opera­tio­nal exper­tise that under­lies our trans­for­ma­tive invest­ment efforts.”

Wolf-Henning Schei­der, comm­ents: “After a long career in indus­try leading compa­nies to success, I am deligh­ted to have the oppor­tu­nity to contri­bute my expe­ri­ence to Part­ners Group’s broad port­fo­lio. I look forward to working with the impres­sive private equity team to execute the firm’s stra­tegy of trans­for­ma­tive inves­t­ing. Part­ners Group’s empha­sis on entre­pre­neu­rial owner­ship as a driver of invest­ment perfor­mance means that Part­ners Group places a high value on opera­tio­nal experience.

With its unique opera­ting model and strong track record, Part­ners Group Part­ners Group has attrac­ted a number of top opera­tors to its invest­ment teams. The firm recently announ­ced the appoint­ment of Ben Breier as Part­ner and Head of the U.S. Private Equity Health & Life indus­try verti­cal. Prior to joining Part­ners Group, Mr. Breier had many years of expe­ri­ence in the health­care sector,
most recently as CEO of Kind­red Health­care, one of the largest provi­ders of health­care services in the United States.

Stef­fen Meis­ter, Execu­tive Chair­man of the Board, Part­ners Group, added: “At Part­ners Group, we believe that the public and private markets are swap­ping roles and that the private market will be the one respon­si­ble for the growth and sustaina­bi­lity of the real economy in the future. As the indus­try grows into this role, we can learn from successful indus­trial and tech­no­logy conglo­me­ra­tes that share the seve­ral charac­te­ristics with today’s private market compa­nies and their diver­si­fied asset port­fo­lios. The best compa­nies are charac­te­ri­zed by stra­te­gic rigor, indus­trial logic and opera­tio­nal value crea­tion — all criti­cal tools for buil­ding busi­nesses. For this reason, we selec­tively recruit expe­ri­en­ced employees from market-leading compa­nies into manage­ment posi­ti­ons within our invest­ment busi­ness. We welcome Wolf and Ben to Part­ners Group and look forward to working with them.”

About Part­ners Group

Part­ners Group is a leading global private markets firm. Since 1996, the firm has inves­ted over USD 170 billion in private equity, private real estate, private debt and private infra­struc­ture on behalf of its clients around the world. Part­ners Group is a commit­ted, respon­si­ble inves­tor and stri­ves to
through active parti­ci­pa­tion in and deve­lo­p­ment of growing compa­nies, attractive
Real estate and important infra­struc­ture. With over $127 billion in assets under manage­ment as of Decem­ber 31, 2021, Part­ners Group mana­ges a broad range of insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors, sove­reign wealth funds sove­reign wealth funds, family offices and indi­vi­du­als around the world. The company employs more than 1,500
profes­sio­nals in 20 offices world­wide and has regio­nal head­quar­ters in Baar-Zug, Switzerland;
Denver, USA, and Singa­pore. The company has been listed on the SIX Swiss Exch­ange since 2006 (symbol: PGHN).

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