Photo: Virtual reality therapy with CUREO® at the Segeberger Kliniken in Bad Segeberg (© CUREO)

CUREosity receives €3.8 million for virtual reality therapy through gamification

Photo: Virtual reality therapy with CUREO® at the Sege­ber­ger Klini­ken in Bad Sege­berg (© CUREO)
24. June 2024

Düssel­dorf — Düssel­­dorf-based MedTech company CUREo­sity announ­ced that it has recei­ved 3.8 million euros in a finan­cing round from exis­ting and new inves­tors. In addi­tion to other new co-inves­­tors, the exis­ting inves­tor Tech­Vi­sion Fund (TVF) and the Belgian family office Noma­in­vest also participated.

TVF, specia­li­zing in invest­ments in medi­cal tech­no­logy compa­nies, has been support­ing CUREo­sity in its virtual reality therapy through gami­fi­ca­tion since 2021.

The finan­cing round was also supported by the law firms ADVANT Beiten and Forvis Mazars. — The latest finan­cing round will enable the German company to further advance its inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons and expand its market presence.

Caesar van Heynin­gen, CEO of CUREo­sity, says: “The current successful course — consis­ting of scaling the markets and high-quality updates to our therapy soft­ware — will be streng­the­ned by this finan­cing. We plan to invest heavily in commer­cial expan­sion and inte­grate tomorrow’s tech­no­lo­gi­cal possi­bi­li­ties into our product road­map today. With this finan­cing round, we can ensure finan­cial inde­pen­dence and sustainable busi­ness operations.”

The idea behind CUREosity

CUREO is based on the perso­nal expe­ri­en­ces of the foun­ders — Thomas Saur, Stefan Arand and Marco Faul­ham­mer: After a car acci­dent in 2000, Thomas Saur’s young son suffe­red from para­ple­gia. In the search for the best possi­ble care and reha­bi­li­ta­tion, exis­ting methods did not bring the desi­red success.

The two co-foun­­ders of CUREo­sity — Stefan Arand and Marco Faul­ham­mer — expe­ri­en­ced simi­lar fates and chal­lenges, which led them to the decis­ion to deve­lop a new form of therapy that combi­nes their thera­peu­tic expe­ri­ence and know­ledge with current tech­no­lo­gies and neuro­sci­en­ti­fic findings. Thanks to many years of expe­ri­ence in 3D visua­liza­tion and the crea­tion of appli­ca­tion concepts in the IT and science sector, the foun­ders have sound tech­ni­cal know-how.

The combi­na­tion of tech­ni­cal skills, exper­tise in 3D visua­liza­tion, expe­ri­ence with virtual reality and perso­nal moti­va­tion due to medi­cal condi­ti­ons led to the foun­ding of CUREo­sity and the idea for CUREO.

CUREo­sity: Virtual reality therapy through gamification

Under the leader­ship of Caesar van Heynin­gen, CUREo­sity became known for its virtual reality therapy system called CUREO for clinics and practices.

The advan­ta­ges include evidence-based thera­peu­tic success, sustained relief for staff, increased pati­ent moti­va­tion, a wide range of appli­ca­ti­ons and simple and intui­tive opera­tion. The 50 trai­ning sessi­ons in 7 modu­les can be used in physio­the­rapy, occu­pa­tio­nal therapy and neuro­psy­cho­logy. Curr­ently, the soft­ware is used in 24 count­ries worldwide.

About Tech­Vi­sion Fund (TVF)

Tech­Vi­sion Fund (TVF) is a seed capi­tal firm focu­sed on inves­t­ing in tech­no­logy compa­nies that have the poten­tial to trans­form key indus­tries. The company’s stra­tegy is based on early enga­ge­ment and prima­rily targets seed-stage invest­ments, with occa­sio­nal initial invest­ments in Series A. The company’s focus spans SaaS/software, IoT, digi­tal solu­ti­ons, medtech, biotech, new mate­ri­als and greentech/cleantech.

Björn Lang, Part­ner at TVF, says: “CUREOSITY solves the problem of the shortage of skil­led workers in the therapy sector. Smart solu­ti­ons such as CUREO are highly rele­vant to society, parti­cu­larly due to demo­gra­phic change. We look forward to parti­ci­pa­ting in the solu­ti­ons and succes­ses in the future.”

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