Photo: Dr. Martin Böttger, Partner at SKW Schwarz in Munich (Photo © SKW)

JLL Spark Global Ventures leads Series A at Proptech Probis

Photo: Dr. Martin Bött­ger, Part­ner at SKW Schwarz in Munich (Photo © SKW)
16. Septem­ber 2024

Munich — SKW Schwarz has advi­sed the Munich-based soft­ware deve­lo­per Probis Soft­ware GmbH on an invest­ment by JLL Spark Global Ventures.
In the course of a Series A finan­cing round, JLL Spark inves­ted the largest share of the parti­ci­pa­ting investors.
Munich-based Probis offers cloud-based soft­ware for multi-project control­ling in the real estate and finance sectors.
Since its foun­da­tion in 2022, the company has comple­ted up to 1,000 projects annually.
JLL Spark Global Ventures is the corpo­rate venture arm of Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL).
Since June 2018, JLL Spark has inves­ted over USD 390 million in more than 50 early-stage proptechs.
SKW Schwarz had alre­ady advi­sed Probis Soft­ware GmbH in 2022 on the entry of the inves­tor EKK. Advi­sor Probis Soft­ware GmbH: SKW Schwarz, Munich Dr. Martin Bött­ger, photo © SKW (Corporate/M&A, lead), Dr. Daniel Meßmer (IT); Asso­cia­tes: Chris­tine Wärl (Corporate/M&A), Tamara Ulm (Employ­ment)

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