Quirin Privatbank AG
Phone: +49 69 247 50 49 30 | Contact: Holger Clemens Hinz · holger.hinz@quirinprivatbank.de
Industry Focus
Small and medium-sized enterprises
Transaction size
€ 10 m to € 250 m
Reference Deals
IPOs and capital increases: 123fahrschule SE, 2G Energy AG, Mister Spex SE, Mynaric AG, Schumag AG, Veganz Group AG; Block Trades: 2G Energy AG, Blue Cap AG; Stock dividends: Ernst Russ AG, Mensch & Maschine AG; Listings: Aroundtown S.A., Grand City Properties S.A.; Bonds: Biofrontera AG, DE-VAU-GE GmbH, hep global GmbH, NZWL GmbH, SOWITEC group GmbH, The Grounds AG; Tender Offers: Capsensixx AG, Energiekontor AG, GxP AG, Westag AG, wild bunch AG, Zapf Creation AG
Our Investment Banking advises SMEs in the preparation and execution of capital market transactions. Besides a profound analysis of our clients’ current situation, we evaluate alternative financing options and structuring of the transaction in all aspects. We offer a successful placement of the transaction, including ongoing support after execution.
Especially for SMEs we provide comprehensive corporate finance services. As a capital markets full service provider, we offer excellent quality in financial advisory combined with long-standing transaction experience and ensure your company the essential advantage on capital markets. We provide custom solutions for your company in all aspects of equity‑, debt- and mezzanine financing with the ambition of a long-standing relationship.