FYB Company Profile

Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship gGmbH

Heßstraße 89, 80797 München
Phone: +49–89-1265 3211 | Cont­act: Prof Dr Klaus Sailer ·


We see oursel­ves as a thought leader, faci­li­ta­tor and well-connec­­ted part­ner for shaping an entre­pre­neu­rial future worth living in through respon­si­ble entre­pre­neur­ship. We stand for an economy that actively, inno­va­tively and respon­si­bly addres­ses tech­no­lo­gi­cal, social and envi­ron­men­tal chal­lenges. Entre­pre­neur­ship, inno­va­tion and co-crea­­tion are the keys to the change. That is why we, as the Entre­pre­neur­ship Center at HM – Hoch­schule München Univer­sity of Applied Scien­ces, offer educa­tio­nal and rese­arch programs in the field of entre­pre­neur­ship toge­ther with our regio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal part­ners. Ther­e­fore we support start-ups from the idea to the market, as well as inno­va­tion proces­ses and the deve­lo­p­ment of entre­pre­neu­rial personalities.


SCE start-up support encou­ra­ges and supports people to deve­lop their unique ideas into fully-fled­ged busi­nesses. With that goal, the Center guides its start-ups with a number of tools and formats. Exci­ting events and compe­ti­ti­ons for people inte­res­ted in foun­ding a company as well as inten­sive support in our pre- and acce­le­ra­tor programs on the way to product launch, funding and matching with strong corpo­rate part­ners await you. Take a look at the world of start-ups and get inspi­ra­tion and moti­va­tion for deve­lo­ping your ideas as well as crucial insights for buil­ding your own start-up. SCE offers boot­camps, educa­tion- and acce­le­ra­tor programs for foun­ders. Expe­ri­en­ced consul­tants provide compe­tent feed­back along with work space at our incu­ba­tor and access to exter­nal experts for addres­sing special issues. Support is available for busi­ness ideas of all types and in all sectors: products, services, high-tech or low-tech, soft­ware or hard­ware, commer­cial or social. The Center also helps you to explore where your idea can find its market niche and to build up valuable part­ner­ships with estab­lished compa­nies with whom you can colla­bo­rate and co-create or maybe even find a shared busi­ness model.


Prof Dr Klaus Sailer (CEO)

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