
ABN AMRO Energy Transition acquires stake in Ideematec Group

10. July 2019

Amster­dam — The Dutch ABN AMRO Energy Tran­si­tion Fund B.V. has agreed with the share­hol­ders and the company on a growth finan­cing by way of parti­ci­pa­tion in the Ideema­tec Group. The closing of the tran­sac­tion is subject to appr­oval by the anti­trust autho­ri­ties, which is expec­ted in the near future. A Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek team led by Düssel­dorf part­ner Dr. Martin Imhof provi­ded compre­hen­sive advice to ABN AMRO Energy Tran­si­tion Fund on the invest­ment, inclu­ding corpo­rate, patent and tax law aspects.

With head­quar­ters in Bava­ria and inter­na­tio­nal subsi­dia­ries in the USA, Chile, Turkey and the UK, Ideema­tec is a leading global supplier of key compon­ents for solar track­ing systems for the instal­la­tion of photo­vol­taic modu­les in solar parks. Ideema­tec has so far supplied compon­ents for over 2 GW of instal­led photo­vol­taic systems on six conti­nents. Current light­house projects include the instal­la­tion of 350 MW in Austra­lia and 250 MW in Jordan. With the invest­ment and parti­ci­pa­tion of ABN AMRO Energy Tran­si­tion Fund, Ideema­tec conti­nues its growth and secu­res its posi­tion as a supplier of leading tech­no­lo­gies in the global PV market. The growth finan­cing will enable Ideema­tec in parti­cu­lar to streng­then its presence in the MENA region, Asia and the Ameri­cas and to further expand capacity.

ABN AMRO Private Equity is part of the global ABN AMRO banking group, head­quar­te­red in Amster­dam, the Nether­lands. In 2018, ABN AMRO Private Equity laun­ched the Energy Tran­si­tion Fund with the goal of adding growth capi­tal and buyout tran­sac­tions rela­ted to compa­nies contri­bu­ting to a low-carbon future to its port­fo­lio. Curr­ently, the Energy Tran­si­tion Fund mana­ges around €200 million and invests in compa­nies and projects in the fields of rene­wa­ble energy, clean mobi­lity, smart infra­struc­ture and energy effi­ci­ency. The fund typi­cally invests in volu­mes between 10 and 25 million euros and focu­ses on compa­nies based in northwes­tern Europe.

Advi­sors to ABN AMRO Energy Tran­si­tion Fund B.V.: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek:
Dr. Martin Imhof (Lead Part­ner, Private Equity/M&A),
Sebas­tian Poll­meier (Corporate/M&A),
Dr. Anton Horn (Patents),
Phil­ipp Roman Schrö­ler (patents),
Dr. Chris­tian Appel­baum (Banking/Finance),
Chris­toph Nöhles, LL.M. (Real Estate Law),
Dr. Alex­an­der Bork (Labor Law),
Astrid Lued­tke (Data Protection),
Beatrice Stange, LL.M. (Anti­trust),
Michael Vetter, LL.M. (anti­trust law), all Düsseldorf
Klaus Weinand-Härer (Taxes), Frankfurt
Yvonne Hunds­dör­fer (Taxes), Stuttgart
Daniela Szczesny (Corpo­rate Law), Munich
Dr. Marco Garbers, LL.M. (Energy/Projects), Hamburg

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