Photo: Dr. Lars Laeger, Partner at Arqis Rechtsanwälte in Düsseldorf

ARQIS advises Constellation Capital on the acquisition of Sehnde Group

Photo: Dr. Lars Laeger, Part­ner at Arqis Rechts­an­wälte in Düsseldorf
14. Janu­ary 2025

Düsseldorf/ Munich — ARQIS has advi­sed the Swiss inves­tor group CONSTELLATION Capi­tal on the acqui­si­tion of the Export Pack­a­ging Sehnde Group (EVS Group), inclu­ding the Polish Export Pack Polska Sp. Z o.o.. EVS Group is now part of the ARCA Group, which belongs to CONSTELLATION Capi­tal. The acqui­si­tion repres­ents an important step in the growth stra­tegy of the ARCA Group. At the same time, the merger enables the group to expand regio­nally into nort­hern Germany and Poland. The EVS Group will be inte­gra­ted into the ARCA Group, but will retain its inde­pen­dent brand and market presence. The mana­ging direc­tors of the EVS Group will remain with the company and the previous share­hol­ders have taken a substan­tial stake in the ARCA Group. The ARCA Group, a group of CONSTELLATION Capi­tal AG, is a rapidly expan­ding provi­der of wooden pack­a­ging and pack­a­ging services in German-spea­king count­ries. This and future acqui­si­ti­ons are inten­ded to create a close-knit network of wood pack­a­ging and pack­a­ging services compa­nies that will bene­fit from syner­gies in purcha­sing, the profes­sio­na­liza­tion of proces­ses and digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion. The EVS Group compri­ses Export­ver­pa­ckung Sehnde GmbH and Export Pack Polska Sp. Z o.o. Export­ver­pa­ckung Sehnde, with sites in Sehnde and Hano­ver in Lower Saxony, offers pack­a­ging services with around 120 employees. Export Pack Polska Sp. Z o.o., based in Zabrze, Poland, specia­li­zes in the produc­tion of pack­a­ging mate­ri­als and the provi­sion of pack­a­ging and other logi­stics services. CONSTELLATION Capi­tal is a Swiss invest­ment group formed in 1992 and based in Frei­en­bach on Lake Zurich. It pursues a buy & build stra­tegy that focu­ses on majo­rity invest­ments in medium-sized compa­nies in the busi­ness service, educa­tion & life­style and health­care sectors in Switz­er­land, Germany and Austria. The ARQIS team led by Dr. Laeger has alre­ady assis­ted CONSTELLATION Capi­tal with the acqui­si­tion of the ARCA plat­form and has provi­ded compre­hen­sive legal and tax advice on all acqui­si­ti­ons alre­ady made for the plat­form, inclu­ding acqui­si­tion finan­cing. ARQIS was supported in Poland by a team from Wolf Theiss. 

Advi­sor Constel­la­tion Capi­tal: ARQIS (Düsseldorf/Munich)

Part­ners: Dr. Lars Laeger (M&A, Lead), Johan­nes Landry (Finan­cing), Dr. Ulrich Lien­hard (real estate law), Tobias Neufeld (data protec­tion), Lisa-Marie Niklas (employ­ment law), Marcus Noth­hel­fer (IP), Coun­sel: Sina Janke (compli­ance), Jens Knip­ping (tax), Nora Strat­mann (commer­cial), Anja Mehr­tens, Martin Wein­gärt­ner (both employ­ment law), Mana­ging Asso­cia­tes: Katrin Ludwig (M&A), Rolf Tichy (IP), Asso­cia­tes: Dr. Lina Alami, Sabine Müller (both Employ­ment Law), Rebecca Gester (Commer­cial), Dr. Bern­hard Gröhe (Regu­la­tory), Marius Mesen­brink (Data Protec­tion), Legal Specia­list: Tim Kott­mann (Labor Law) Wolf Theiss (Poland): Peter Dasz­kow­ski, Bartosz Kuras (both lead), Karo­lina Stawowska, Michal Zaja­cz­kow­ski, Agnieszka Nowak-Blaszc­­zak, Adrian Krzy­za­now­ski, Jakub Pietrasik, Izabela Wiewiorka, Izabela Derylo, Kinga Kluszc­zynska, Oliwia Pecht About ARQIS

ARQIS is an inde­pen­dent commer­cial law firm opera­ting internationally.

Around 80 lawy­ers and legal specia­lists advise dome­stic and foreign compa­nies at the highest level on German, Euro­pean and Japa­nese commer­cial law. With its focus groups Tran­sac­tions, HR Law, Japan, Data Law, Risk and Regu­la­tory, the firm is geared towards provi­ding its clients with compre­hen­sive advice. The law firm was foun­ded in 2006 and has offices in Düssel­dorf, Munich and Tokyo as well as a talent hub in Berlin. Further infor­ma­tion can be found at

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