Photo: Thomas Chwalek, Partner at ARQIS in Düsseldorf (© Arqis)

ARQIS supports SCIO Automation in merger with Elektro Eggers

Photo: Thomas Chwa­lek, Part­ner at ARQIS in Düssel­dorf (© Arqis)
26. March 2025

Düssel­dorf — The SCIO Auto­ma­tion Group has joined forces with Elek­tro Eggers. SCIO Auto­ma­tion, the inter­na­tio­nal group of compa­nies for indus­trial auto­ma­tion, is thus expan­ding its service port­fo­lio in the Process Solu­ti­ons divi­sion to include essen­tial services in the areas of PLC programming and switch­gear cons­truc­tion. At the same time, the resul­ting syner­gies will streng­then SCIO Automation’s market posi­tion and open up further custo­mer segments in the areas of water treat­ment, food and pet food produc­tion and pharmaceuticals. 

The SCIO Auto­ma­tion Group, head­quar­te­red in Fran­ken­thal, Germany, is an inter­na­tio­nal end-to-end auto­ma­tion plat­form that supports compa­nies on their way to Indus­try 4.0. As a system inte­gra­tor, SCIO auto­ma­tes produc­tion and logi­stics proces­ses and, as an inno­va­tor, deve­lops value-adding and custo­­mer-speci­­fic auto­ma­tion products in the areas of auto­no­mous mobile robots, soft­ware, clean­room and food intra­lo­gi­stics and indus­trial coding. The Group unites seve­ral compa­nies and other indi­vi­dual brands at over 40 loca­ti­ons in eight count­ries world­wide under the SCIO Auto­ma­tion brand. 

Elek­tro Eggers GmbH, based in Grasberg, Lower Saxony, is an auto­ma­tion specia­list focu­sing on PLC programming, process control tech­no­logy, hard­ware design, engi­nee­ring services and elec­tri­cal assem­bly and instal­la­tion. Within the SCIO Auto­ma­tion Group, Elek­tro Eggers will be inte­gra­ted as a subsi­diary of VESCON Process GmbH, which also has loca­ti­ons in Colo­gne, Krif­tel, Flens­burg and Schuby. 

An ARQIS team led by Thomas Chwa­lek provi­ded SCIO Auto­ma­tion with compre­hen­sive legal advice on this tran­sac­tion. ARQIS advi­sed SCIO Auto­ma­tion for the first time in connec­tion with this merger. 

Advi­sor SCIO Auto­ma­tion: ARQIS (Düssel­dorf)

Part­ners: Thomas Chwa­lek, Foto (Lead, Tran­sac­tions), Dr. Ulrich Lien­hard (Real Estate), Marcus Noth­hel­fer (IP, Munich), Coun­sel: Chris­tian Judis (Compli­ance, Munich), Jens Knip­ping (Tax), Nora Strat­mann (Commer­cial, Munich), Martin Wein­gärt­ner (HR Law), Mana­ging Asso­cia­tes: Chris­tos Chou­de­lou­dis (Tran­sac­tions), Tim Brese­mann (Real Estate), Rolf Tichy (IP, Munich), Asso­cia­tes: Rebecca Gester (Commer­cial, Munich), Dr. Bern­hard Gröhe (Regu­la­tory), Marius Mesen­brink (Japan Desk), Anna Munsch (HR Law), Senior Legal Specia­list: Qing Xia (Tran­sac­tions), Legal Specia­list: Tim Kott­mann (HR Law)

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