Photo: Dr. Marc Seeger, Partner at Bird & Bird

Bird & Bird advises NürnbergMesse on joint venture with Messe München

Photo: Dr. Marc Seeger, Part­ner at Bird & Bird
7. July 2023

Munich — Inter­na­tio­nal law firm Bird & Bird has advi­sed Nürn­berg­Messe, one of the world’s 15 largest exhi­bi­tion compa­nies, on the forma­tion of a joint venture with Messe München. This is the largest merger to date of two flag­ship trade shows in Germany.

In the newly foun­ded joint venture, Nürn­berg­Messe and Messe München are combi­ning the two inter­na­tio­nally most important trade fairs for the beverage and liquid food indus­try with Brau­Be­viale in Nurem­berg, the leading capi­tal goods fair for the beverage indus­try in Europe, and drink­tec from Munich, the world’s leading trade fair for the beverage and liquid food indus­try, thus streng­thening their now joint posi­tion on the world market.

Both trade shows will conti­nue to be inde­pen­dent brands, keep their names and remain as events at their respec­tive loca­ti­ons in Munich and Nurem­berg — under the joint umbrella of YONTEX. Accor­ding to Peter Ottmann, CEO Nürn­berg­Messe Group, the two exhi­bi­tion compa­nies are thus taking advan­tage of a unique oppor­tu­nity for both exhi­bi­tion compa­nies to posi­tion them­sel­ves jointly and combine forces on the world market.

Stefan Münch, Bird & Bird Client Rela­ti­onship Part­ner at Nürn­berg­Messe, comm­ents: “Bird & Bird has been advi­sing Nürn­berg­Messe for many years in various count­ries, inclu­ding China, Germany and Greece. Having alre­ady assis­ted them with the acqui­si­tion of T4M — Tech­no­logy for Medi­cal Devices in 2021, we are proud to have been selec­ted by Nürn­berg­Messe as a trus­ted legal advi­sor and indus­try expert for this important joint venture between the two largest Bava­rian exhi­bi­tion centers.”

Consul­tant Nürn­berg­Messe: Bird & Bird

Part­ner Dr. Marc Seeger and Asso­ciate Jan Medele (both Lead), Asso­cia­tes Henrike Camph­au­sen and Felix Spind­ler, LL.M. (all Corporate/M&A, Düssel­dorf), Part­ner Thomas Hey, Asso­ciate Linus Boberg, LL.M. (both Labor Law, Düssel­dorf), Part­ner Dr. Jörg Witting, Asso­ciate Maren Stei­ert (both Anti­trust, Düssel­dorf), Part­ner Dr. Joseph Fesen­mair, Coun­sel Niklas Fels, LL.M. and Clarissa Otto (all IP, Munich), Senior Coun­sel Elie Kauf­man, LL.M., Asso­ciate Amelia Weber (both Finance, Frank­furt), Asso­ciate Gökhan Kosak (Commer­cial, Munich), as well as Asso­ciate Aubrey Tao (Corporate/M&A), Part­ner Chris­tine Yiu, Asso­cia­tes Leon Li and Olivia Zhao (all IP, Shanghai)

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