Blackwave closes seven-figure financing round
Munich — Carbon manufacturer Blackwave from Taufkirchen has successfully completed a second round of financing with the support of the startup network BayStartUP. While the former shareholders Ceravis and Unger Capital Management have increased their investments, two new investors, Professor Rudolf Schwarz, owner of IABG, and CK Venture Capital GmbH from Munich with the business angels Conny Hörl and Katja Ruhnke, have joined the company. In total, Blackwave was able to raise a seven-figure sum with the help of BayStartUP to expand the current 16-member team and significantly increase its production.
Blackwave is a company in the lightweight construction sector that develops and produces highly complex components made of carbon that cannot be manufactured using conventional production methods. The components are characterized by low weight as well as high stability. In addition, Blackwave is also experimenting with new approaches to incorporate screws, holes and threads in the production process to expand the range of applications for its products.
“The completed financing round was an important step for us to turn our ambitious goals into reality,” said Bastian Behrens, CEO at Blackwave. “We will use the money both to open up further markets, such as medical technology, and to further automate our production to become even more competitive. Of course, the current economic situation also has an impact on our company. It’s reassuring to know that our investors are fully behind us even now.”
Katja Ruhnke (photo), CEO at CK Venture Capital GmbH, says: “I became aware of Blackwave through BayStartUP. Above all, the untapped potential of carbon fiber-reinforced plastics in the field of lightweight construction fascinated me from the very beginning. Moreover, behind the name Blackwave is a highly motivated team that has already mastered a number of challenges in an outstanding manner. Blackwave meets all the requirements to be successful in the long term and to become a leader in lightweight construction.”
Whether in aerospace, automotive, sports, mechanical engineering or medical technology, companies in these sectors are always on the lookout for ways to save weight, costs, fuel or minimize the amount of force required. At the same time, the components must be extremely resistant to deformation and temperature fluctuations. In space travel, components must be able to withstand temperatures from ‑150 to +175 degrees Celsius without becoming brittle or deforming. The Blackwave company specializes in solving precisely these requirements and, as an innovation driver, is playing a decisive role in shaping the field of lightweight construction.
Blackwave’s business centers on carbon fiber reinforced plastic and a manufacturing process that uses pressure and heat to press the material into shape. The result is components that come from a single mold and are very resilient. Previous manufacturing processes only allowed the production of simple, flat geometries, which considerably limits the areas of application for carbon. Blackwave’s carbon components can not only replace metallic components, they are also lighter and more resilient. Examples from space travel show that each kilogram of payload causes 30 to 100 kg of additional weight for rocket and fuel. Conversely, a kilogram of weight saved can be worth several thousand euros. The new manufacturing process also provides more design options. Drilling holes to insert screws and threads into carbon components injures the fiber structure and weakens the stability of the material. Blackwave can integrate functional elements into the manufacturing process, which opens up completely new industrial application possibilities and enables customers to develop innovative products with enhanced functionalities.
Blackwave founders Bastian Behrens and Raphael Setz met at the Technical University of Munich at the Formula Student Team. “We have very ambitious goals. In the short term, we will really ramp up production again and additionally automate it. This means that we will also be able to handle large series production. In the long term, we want to have our own carbon part in space by 2026 and take on a pioneering role in the field of complex and highly functional carbon composites,” says Bastian Behrens, CEO of Blackwave.
To date, its customers include renowned companies from the aerospace, automotive and sports sectors, including Airbus, ESA, MT Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney as well as Porsche and M GmbH.
About BayStartUP
BayStartUP is the Bavarian startup network for founders, investors and companies. With the Bavarian Business Plan Competitions, an extensive coaching offer and Europe’s largest investor network, it supports startups in optimizing their strategy, building their business and finding start-up and growth capital. For private and institutional investors, BayStartUP ensures a qualified deal flow and offers startup insights at exclusive business angel meetings and investor conferences. With nationwide startup industry matchings and conceptual offers, BayStartUP advises established companies on the development of suitable strategies for cooperation with startups. Through BayStartUP, founders have contact opportunities with around 300 active business angels as well as over 100 institutional investors. Since 2015, BayStartUP has brokered over €263 million in capital in 259 actively managed financing rounds, each with a volume of between €50,000 and €6 million. Companies supported by BayStartUP are active on the market with more than 13,100 employees and generate a turnover of almost 1.4 billion euros (as of 2017). These include eight IPOs and success stories such as Flixbus, eGym, Magazino, Voxeljet, numares, Transporeon and va-Q-tec AG.
About Blackwave
Blackwave develops and produces complex lightweight components with sophisticated 3D geometries from carbon for companies in the automotive, aerospace, sports equipment and mechanical engineering sectors. The technology, which is based on the principle of hot extrusion, enables significant weight savings while keeping costs low. The company, based in Taufkirchen, was founded in 2016 and has already been able to file a promising patent in the field of carbon SMC. www.blackwave.de.