Photo: Sebastian Mink, Managing Partner at Concentro (Photo © Concentro)

Concentro advises Paragon on sale of WEKA Group

Photo: Sebas­tian Mink, Mana­ging Part­ner at Concen­tro (Photo © Concentro)
14. Janu­ary 2025

Kissing/ Munich/ Nurem­berg — Concen­tro Manage­ment has advi­sed the private equity company Para­gon Part­ners and its port­fo­lio company “WEKA Group” on the carve-out and sale of WEKA Fach­me­dien GmbH to a subsi­diary of Nürn­berg­Messe GmbH. About WEKA Fachmedien

WEKA Fach­me­dien GmbH is a leading provi­der of trade publi­ca­ti­ons, digital
plat­forms and events in the fields of elec­tro­nics, auto­ma­tion, infor­ma­tion and commu­ni­ca­tion tech­no­logy. Toge­ther with Nürn­berg­Messe, WEKA Fach­me­dien has been orga­ni­zing the “embedded world Exhibition&Conference”, the world’s leading trade fair for embedded elec­tro­nic systems, for over 20 years. The acqui­si­tion of WEKA Fach­me­dien crea­tes one of the world’s leading provi­ders of events and media in the field of embedded tech­no­logy and conso­li­da­tes NürnbergMesse’s posi­tion as one of the 15 largest exhi­bi­tion compa­nies in the world. Concen­tro project team:
Sebas­tian Mink (Part­ner), Julian Ihle (Project Mana­ger), Phil­ipp Geit­ner (Consul­tant), Fabienne
Frech (Consul­tant) Concen­tro Manage­ment AG is a medium-sized consul­tancy firm with a
focus on trans­pa­rency (corpo­rate deve­lo­p­ment), tran­sac­tions (corpo­rate finance/M&A consul­ting) and turn­arounds. With over 40 employees at four loca­ti­ons in Germany, Concen­tro works in an imple­men­ta­tion and success-orien­­ted manner.

The aim is to gene­rate added value for the custo­mer through an indi­vi­dual consul­ting service.

About Para­gon

Para­gon is an owner-mana­­ged, private group of compa­nies that has been invol­ved with medium-sized compa­nies in German-spea­king count­ries since it was foun­ded in 2004. Para­gon works closely with its port­fo­lio compa­nies to ensure sustainable growth and improve opera­tio­nal proces­ses. The Para­gon port­fo­lio spans various sectors and curr­ently compri­ses 12 compa­nies. Para­gon is based in Munich and curr­ently mana­ges over €2.4 billion of equity. Further infor­ma­tion about the company can be found at

Advi­sor Nürn­berg­Messe GmbH: Bird & Bird

Part­ner Dr. Marc Seeger (Düsseldorf/Frankfurt) and Coun­sel Michael Gaßner (Munich), both lead, Part­ner Stefan Münch (Munich), Asso­cia­tes Kilian Hummel (Frank­furt), Moritz Wargalla, LL.M. (Düssel­dorf), Lara-Lucia Klocke (Düssel­dorf), Felix Spind­ler, LL.M. (Düssel­dorf), all Corporate/M&A, Coun­sel Michael Brüg­ge­mann (Tax Law, Frank­furt), Part­ner Dr. Michael Jüne­mann, Asso­ciate Jona­than Stoldt (both Finan­cing & Finan­cial Regu­la­tion, Frank­furt), Coun­sel Jürgen Schlink­mann (Munich), Asso­ciate Dr. Julian Lauer (Hamburg), both Real Estate Law, Part­ner Dr. Henri­ette Picot, Coun­sel Michaela von Voß, (both Commercial/Tech & Comms, Munich), Part­ner Dr. Jörg Witting (Düssel­dorf), Asso­ciate Dr. Florian Hinde­rer (Munich), both Anti­trust Law, Part­ner Thomas Hey, Asso­ciate Linus Boberg, LL.M. (both Employ­ment Law, Düssel­dorf), Part­ner Dr. Joseph Fesen­mair, Coun­sel Niklas Fels, LL.M. (both Trade­mark Law, Munich).

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