Photo: Together with COO Verena Argauer, the Palatinate native forms the new dual leadership at Wishcard Technologies as CEO.

Consortium acquires minority stake in Wishcard Technologies Group

Photo: Toge­ther with COO Verena Argauer, the Pala­ti­nate native forms the new dual leader­ship at Wish­card Tech­no­lo­gies as CEO.
21. Octo­ber 2022

Düsseldorf/ Frank­furt — On the way to No.1 gift certi­fi­cate in Europe, the German pioneer Wish­card Tech­no­lo­gies Group conti­nues to grow in the multi­cou­pon busi­ness and has been able to attract new inves­tors for its busi­ness model. With EMZ Part­ners and IK Invest­ment Part­ners joining exis­ting inves­tor Oakley Capi­tal, Joh. Beren­berg, Goss­ler & Co. KG and another inves­tor who support the growth targets for the coming years. The parties have agreed not to disc­lose details of the financing.

In order to further acce­le­rate its expan­sion course, Wish­card Tech­no­lo­gies is streng­thening its manage­ment team with imme­diate effect with Dr. Andreas Betzer (photo right, ©Wish­card Tech­no­lo­gies Group). Toge­ther with COO Verena Argauer (photo left), the Pala­ti­nate native forms the new dual leader­ship at Wish­card Tech­no­lo­gies as CEO.

Wish­card, prima­rily through its Wunsch­gut­schein brand, is a leading consu­mer tech­no­logy company in the gift certi­fi­cate market in German-spea­king count­ries. The unique gift certi­fi­ca­tes can be purcha­sed at over 110,000 retail outlets and offer B2B gift solu­ti­ons for busi­ness custo­mers. Since its foun­ding in 2014, more than 60 million vouch­ers have been deli­vered to B2B and B2C custo­mers in the DACH region and Italy.

Beren­berg was foun­ded in 1590 and is today one of Europe’s leading private banks with its Wealth and Asset Manage­ment, Invest­ment Bank and Corpo­rate Banking divi­si­ons. The Hamburg-based bank is mana­ged by gene­ral part­ners and has a strong presence in the finan­cial centers of Frank­furt, London and New York.

Gibson, Dunn & Crut­cher LLP has appoin­ted Joh. Beren­berg, Goss­ler & Co. KG in connec­tion with the finan­cing of an invest­ment in Wish­card Tech­no­lo­gies Group (“Wish­card”) by an invest­ment consor­tium consis­ting of EMZ Part­ners, IK Part­ners and Oakley Capital.

About Gibson Dunn
Gibson, Dunn & Crut­cher LLP is one of the leading inter­na­tio­nal law firms and is ranked among the top law firms world­wide in indus­try surveys and by autho­ri­ta­tive publi­ca­ti­ons. With more than 1,700 lawy­ers in 20 offices, the firm has a global presence in all major econo­mic regi­ons. Gibson Dunn offices are loca­ted in Brussels, Century City, Dallas, Denver, Dubai, Frank­furt, Hong Kong, Hous­ton, London, Los Ange­les, Munich, New York, Orange County, Palo Alto, Paris, Beijing, San Fran­cisco, São Paulo, Singa­pore and Washing­ton, D.C. For more infor­ma­tion, visit

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