Photo: Stefan Jaecker, CEO of DC Advisory Germany (Photo © DC Advisory)

DC Advisory advised Membion on Series A led by TechVision and DTCF

Photo: Stefan Jaecker, CEO of DC Advi­sory Germany (Photo © DC Advisory)
1. March 2024

Achen — Membion GmbH from Roet­gen near Aachen recei­ved a Series A led by the Tech­Vi­sion Fund (TVF) and the DeepT­ech & Climate Fund (DTCF) in the amount of around 5 million euros. The company deve­lops and produ­ces membrane biore­ac­tor (MBR) modu­les for waste­wa­ter treat­ment. The multi-paten­­ted tech­no­logy enables muni­ci­pal and indus­trial waste­wa­ter treat­ment plant opera­tors to meet the growing demands on water quality and signi­fi­cantly reduce opera­ting costs. — DC Advi­sory was commis­sio­ned by Membion to evaluate and imple­ment the stra­te­gic opti­ons for this transaction.

More filter perfor­mance in a smal­ler space — with up to 90 percent less energy consumption

Membion will use the capi­tal to achieve broad market entry, set up further produc­tion lines and deve­lop addi­tio­nal product features. — Foun­ded in 2012 by Dr. Klaus Vossen­kaul and Dirk Volme­ring, Membion is a deve­lo­per and manu­fac­tu­rer of a highly disrup­tive membrane biore­ac­tor (MBR) solu­tion with appli­ca­ti­ons in muni­ci­pal and indus­trial waste­wa­ter treat­ment. The product, secu­red by seve­ral patents, addres­ses key problems of modern waste­wa­ter treat­ment by: Redu­cing energy requi­re­ments by appro­xi­m­ately 90%, it requi­res signi­fi­cantly less space (appro­xi­m­ately 75%), this results in supe­rior water quality and large savings in opera­ting costs.

DC Advi­sory was enga­ged by Membion to evaluate and imple­ment stra­te­gic opti­ons, with a focus on iden­ti­fy­ing and intro­du­cing Membion’s disrup­tive solu­tion to poten­tial investors
DC Advi­sory conduc­ted a compre­hen­sive process to iden­tify the best part­ners for Membion — provi­ding stra­te­gic advice, prepa­ra­tion of rele­vant marke­ting docu­men­ta­tion, support in the nego­tia­tion phase and due dili­gence coordination.

This tran­sac­tion enhan­ces DC Advisory’s strong track record in sourcing equity for inno­va­tive compa­nies and its clear commit­ment to support­ing compa­nies with a strong sustaina­bi­lity focus. “With the current finan­cing round, we are setting the course for the effi­ci­ent scaling of Membion. With TVF and DTCF, we have part­ners on board who share our vision and support us in achie­ving our goals,” says Dr. Klaus Vossen­kaul, CEO of Membion.

“It was a great plea­sure to work with Dr. Vossen­kaul and his team. We are proud to have supported an emer­ging cham­pion in global waste­wa­ter treat­ment with this important step,” explains Stefan Jaecker (photo © CD Advi­sory), CEO of DC Advi­sory Germany.

About DeepT­ech & Climate Fund

The DeepT­ech & Climate Fund (DTCF) is a new fund that invests in the growth of compa­nies with future tech­no­lo­gies. It is finan­ced by the Future Fund and the ERP Special Fund and helps to expand the tech­no­logy ecosys­tem of the future. As an anchor inves­tor and part­ner of long-term inves­tors such as family offices, the DTCF will invest up to one billion euros in the coming years to deve­lop the new tech­­no­­logy-based SMEs of tomor­row.

About TVF

Tech­Vi­sion Fonds (TVF) is a leading early stage VC fund from the Rhineland/NRW with a focus on tech­no­logy start-ups in the pre-seed to Series A phase. TVF focu­ses on outstan­ding teams from the region, inclu­ding the neigh­bor­ing Nether­lands and Belgium. TVF Manage­ment has expe­ri­ence from four gene­ra­ti­ons of funds and curr­ently has over € 100 million in assets under manage­ment. The fund is backed by strong inves­tors such as NRW.BANK, seven savings banks from western NRW and more than 15 successful entrepreneurs.
The TVF supports start-up teams with proxi­mity, network and know-how and paves the way for them to become the next inter­na­tio­nal indus­try leader. Through the network of the S‑UBG Group, TVF offers unique access to over 150 successful compa­nies in various indus­tries and estab­lishes cont­acts between start-ups and their first custo­mers, part­ners and consul­tants.


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