Photo: Rohlik founder Tomáš Čupr, Head of Family Office TCF Capital in Prague (Czech Republic) © TCF Capital

Deloitte Legal advises Rohlik Group on investment in organic baby food

Photo: Rohlik foun­der Tomáš Čupr, Head of Family Office TCF Capi­tal in Prague (Czech Repu­blic) © TCF Capital
3. Septem­ber 2024

Munich — With a cross-loca­­tion team led by Munich part­ner Eike Fietz (Corporate/M&A), Deloitte Legal advi­sed Rohlik foun­der Tomáš Čupr and his family office TCF Capi­tal on the prepa­ra­tion of a stra­te­gic invest­ment to rescue Töpfer GmbH based in Allgäu.
In coope­ra­tion with the restruc­tu­ring experts from PLUTA and Grub Brug­ger as well as Deloitte Finan­cial Advi­sory, the Deloitte Legal team deve­lo­ped an invest­ment concept that includes a capi­tal reduc­tion and breaks new ground in a number of aspects.
The inno­va­tive deal struc­ture provi­des for TCF Capi­tal, an invest­ment company owned by Tomáš Čupr, foun­der and CEO of the Rohlik Group, to acquire all of Töpfer’s busi­ness acti­vi­ties and assets.
The tran­sac­tion will enable Töpfer to conti­nue its busi­ness opera­ti­ons, in parti­cu­lar the produc­tion site in Diet­manns­ried, while preser­ving around 135 jobs.
Deloitte will conti­nue to support the project with an inter­di­sci­pli­nary team until completion.
The closing of the tran­sac­tion will take place in early fall 2024, subject to outstan­ding closing condi­ti­ons, inclu­ding the appr­oval of the respon­si­ble anti­trust autho­ri­ties. Peter Klekner, CEO of TCF Capi­talsays about the colla­bo­ra­tion with Deloitte Legal: “With the Deloitte Legal team and Eike Fietz in parti­cu­lar, we had a part­ner at our side who was extre­mely commit­ted, solu­­tion-focu­­sed and had an eye for the key issues. We were able to imple­ment our invest­ment in Töpfer quickly and effi­ci­ently and always had the legal issues under control.” Advi­sor TCF Capi­tal: Deloitte Legal Eike Fietz (lead, corporate/M&A, Munich), Tors­ten Cülter (restruc­tu­ring, Hamburg), Theresa Bayer (employ­ment law, Munich), Stefan Weste (employ­ment law, Berlin) Advi­sor to Töpfer: PLUTA Rechts­an­walts GmbH Florian A. Zist­ler, Ludwig Stern, Dr. Maxi­mi­lian Pluta, Daniel Barth, Laura Holz­mann­stet­ter, Dennis Stroh Grub Brug­ger: Dr. Hans Konrad Schenk, Phil­ipp Nuber, Lime Dauti About TCF Capi­tal TCF Capi­tal is an invest­ment company and family office foun­ded by entre­pre­neur Tomáš Čupr.
Its most important asset is the Czech Rohlik Group.
With a company valua­tion of over one billion US dollars, the Rohlik Group is one of the leading play­ers in Euro­pean online grocery retail.
Its broad product range includes around 17,000 products, from fresh food from regio­nal suppli­ers to super­mar­ket products and own brands.
With a turno­ver of 700 million euros and growth of 25% in 2023, the group is active in five Euro­pean countries.
In Germany, Rohlik is known under the brand. About Töpfer Töpfer GmbH is a leading manu­fac­tu­rer of orga­nic baby food.
Its products include baby milk formula and baby porridge.
The company also produ­ces natu­ral cosme­tics for mothers and babies.
All products are manu­fac­tu­red at the Diet­manns­ried site in the Allgäu region. Deloitte Legal Deloitte Legal refers to the legal prac­ti­ces of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limi­ted member firms, their affi­lia­tes or part­ner firms that provide legal services. Deloitte provi­des indus­­try-leading audit and assu­rance, tax, consul­ting, finan­cial advi­sory and risk advi­sory services to nearly 90% of Fortune Global 500® compa­nies and thou­sands of private compa­nies. Legal services in Germany are provi­ded by Deloitte Legal. Our people deli­ver measura­ble, long-term results that help build public confi­dence in the capi­tal markets, support our clients to trans­form and grow, and lead the way to a stron­ger economy, a fairer society and a sustainable world. Deloitte builds on more than 175 years of history and opera­tes in more than 150 count­ries. Find out more about how Deloitte’s appro­xi­m­ately 457,000 employees live the mission state­ment “making an impact that matters” every day:

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