Photo: Dr. Benjamin Parameswaran, Partner at DLA Piper in Hamburg

DLA Piper advises Rolls-Royce on acquisition of Team Italia Marine

Photo: Dr. Benja­min Para­mes­wa­ran, Part­ner at DLA Piper in Hamburg
10. July 2023

July 10, 2023 — Rolls-Royce has acqui­red Team Italia Marine, an Italian group specia­li­zing in the inte­gra­tion of navi­ga­tion systems and marine auto­ma­tion for the yacht market. Through this stra­te­gic tran­sac­tion, Rolls-Royce’s Power Systems busi­ness unit will streng­then its leading posi­tion in the global yacht market and expand its MTU product port­fo­lio for bridge-to-propel­­ler solu­ti­ons with state-of-the-art inte­gra­ted solu­ti­ons for the yacht indus­try. Rolls-Royce was advi­sed by DLA Piper on this transaction.

The acqui­si­tion will enable Rolls Royce to signi­fi­cantly expand its port­fo­lio of inno­va­tive custo­mer solu­ti­ons and products and streng­then its role as a leading supplier in the Italian market. Team Italia Marine, on the other hand, bene­fits from Rolls-Royce Power Systems’ world­wide sales network.
DLA Piper advi­sed Rolls-Royce’s M&A and legal teams, consis­ting of Denise Kurtu­lus, David Sagan, Chris­tian Glöck­ler, Nicola Camuffo and, on the legal side, lawy­ers Ben Hors­ley and Knut Sönnichsen.

Advi­sor Rolls-Royce: DLA Piper

Lead part­ners: Corpo­rate Part­ner Dr. Benja­min Para­mes­wa­ran, photo (Hamburg) and Chris­tian der Corpo­rate Part­ner (Hamburg) and Chris­tian Iann­ac­cone (Milan). Ornella Vastola, Gior­gia Grande and Fulvio Miano also advi­sed in the Corpo­rate area. Also invol­ved were part­ner Fabri­zio Morelli and attor­ney Fran­ce­sca De Novel­lis for the employ­ment prac­tice; part­ner Elena Varese and Valen­tina Mazza and Caro­lina Battistella for the IP prac­tice; part­ner Giulio Corag­gio and Gior­dana Babini and Enila Elezi for the IT and data protec­tion prac­tice; part­ner Carmen Chier­chia for the regulatory/environmental prac­tice; part­ner Davide Rossetti for the litigation/export prac­tice; and part­ner Valen­tina Marengo and Chiara Scia­raffa for the real estate practice.

KPMG advi­sed Rolls-Royce on the finan­cial aspects of the tran­sac­tion with a team consis­ting of part­ner Klaus Riccardi and mana­ger Luca Marchetti and on the tax aspects with a team consis­ting of asso­ciate part­ner Feder­ico Quaiotti and senior mana­ger Lorenzo Schippa.

Mazars supported Team Italia with a team led by part­ner Massi­mi­liano Vento and consis­ting of lawy­ers Andrea Gambar­della, Luca Batti­l­ana and Dr. Davide Mauro for the corpo­rate aspects and lawy­ers Matteo Polla­roli and Chiara Fava­loro for the labor aspects of the transaction.
Giacomo Iannelli of Mazars’ Deal Value Crea­tion team advi­sed the sellers on the manage­ment and orga­niza­tio­nal aspects, while Advi­sor Carlo Conti covered the finan­cial aspects of the tran­sac­tion and Audi­tor Leonardo Gabbia­nelli the tax aspects on behalf of the sellers.

In addi­tion, the notary Ciro De Vivo was involved.

About DLA Piper

DLA Piper is one of the world’s leading commer­cial law firms, with offices in more than 40 count­ries in Africa, Asia, Austra­lia, Europe, the Middle East, and North and South America. In Germany, DLA Piper is repre­sen­ted by more than 250 lawy­ers at its offices in Frank­furt, Hamburg, Colo­gne and Munich. In certain juris­dic­tions, this infor­ma­tion may be conside­red attor­ney adver­ti­sing. For more infor­ma­tion, visit:

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