
Munich, Brussels, Riyadh — neuro­care group AG (“neuro­care” or the “Company”), a leading mental health plat­form, has recei­ved a further €19.3 million finan­cing round from Impact Expan­sion, a Euro­pean private equity firm based in Luxem­bourg with offices in Brussels and Paris, and from exis­ting neuro­care share­hol­der TVM Capi­tal Health­care. This invest­ment demons­tra­tes the strong confi­dence in neurocare’s stra­tegy and supports the company’s contin­ued global growth. 

The funding will enable neuro­care to further deve­lop its tech­no­lo­gies and services and expand its inter­na­tio­nal presence in mental health clinics.

TVM Capi­tal Health­care is a private equity firm focu­sed on emer­ging markets and based in Dubai and Singa­pore. TVM Capi­tal invests expan­sion and growth capi­tal in health­care companies. 

Tris­tan de Boysson, Mana­ging Part­ner, TVM Capi­tal Health­care, added: “Our contin­ued invest­ment in Neuro­care is a clear expres­sion of our confi­dence in the company’s vision and progress. We are plea­sed to further support the company’s efforts in provi­ding effec­tive mental health solu­ti­ons globally and parti­cu­larly in markets such as Saudi Arabia with tremen­dous growth pros­pects for specialty care and govern­ment support to improve access to mental health care.” 

Erick Rinner, Part­ner, Impact Expan­sion, said: “We believe Neuro­care is uniquely posi­tio­ned to lead the way in addres­sing the growing global mental health crisis. The care infra­struc­ture and inno­va­tive mental health best prac­tice plat­form is a much needed and timely advance­ment in the industry. 

Morgan Lewis has advi­sed TVM Capi­tal Health­care as co-inves­tor on a €19.3 million invest­ment in neuro­care group AG, a Munich-based provi­der of perso­na­li­zed mental health care.

Advi­sor TVM Capi­tal Health­care: Morgan Lewis 

Dr. Florian Harder (Part­ner) and Of Coun­sel Dr. Vero­nika Montes

Morgan Lewis had alre­ady advi­sed TVM Capi­tal on its first invest­ment in the neuro­care group in 2024.

TVM Capi­tal Health­care ,

Impact Expan­sion,




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