
Earlybird closes sixth early stage fund with 175 million euros

16. July 2018

Munich/ Berlin — Venture capi­ta­list Early­bird Venture Capi­tal has reached a record hard cap of EUR 175 million with the final closing of Early­bird Digi­tal West Early Stage Fund VI. P+P advi­sed Earlybird’s manage­ment on the transaction.

Early­bird is one of the largest German venture capi­ta­lists and specia­li­zes in tech­no­logy compa­nies in Europe. Early­bird has so far laun­ched five early stage funds with a focus on Western Europe, one fund for medi­cal tech­no­logy and one for fund invest­ments in Eastern Europe.

The new sixth fund is desi­gned to invest prima­rily in disrup­tive digi­tal busi­ness models and has alre­ady made 13 invest­ments in Euro­pean digi­tal compa­nies. In total, the fund is expec­ted to make 20 to 25 invest­ments in young high-growth compa­nies (“start-ups”).

Advi­sors to Ealy­bird: P+P Pöllath + Partners
P+P Pöllath + Part­ners compre­hen­si­vely advi­sed the mana­ger of Early­bird Digi­tal West Early Stage Fund VI, Early­bird DWES Manage­ment GmbH & Co. KG, on all contrac­tual, tax and regu­la­tory aspects of the fund struc­tu­ring and launch as well as the distri­bu­tion with the follo­wing cross-loca­­tion private funds team:
Dr. Andreas Rodin (Part­ner, Private Funds, Tax Law, Frank­furt am Main)
Joel El-Qalqili, LL.M. (Flet­cher) (Senior Asso­ciate, Private Funds, Venture Capi­tal, Berlin)
Jan Phil­ipp Neidel, LL.M. (UCONN) (Asso­ciate, Private Funds, Tax Law, Venture Capi­tal, Berlin)

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