
Thematic investments in private environmental technology companies — not just for institutional investors


Envi­ron­men­tal tech­no­lo­gies and services are likely to conti­nue to offer inves­tors attrac­tive growth pros­pects in the future, as they will be essen­tial to achie­ving the global climate and envi­ron­men­tal goals that have been set. Private compa­nies that are not listed on the stock exch­ange are parti­cu­larly likely to bene­fit in this segment. So-called “ELTIFs” (“Euro­pean Long Term Invest­ment Funds”) now also give private inves­tors regu­la­ted and trans­pa­rent access to these invest­ments, which were previously reser­ved for profes­sio­nal investors. 

Growth market envi­ron­men­tal technologies

The fight against climate change is beco­ming incre­asingly important for govern­ments and consu­mers. 92% of global GDP is now covered by net zero targets. Howe­ver, these commit­ments cannot be met by beha­vi­oral chan­ges alone. Much will also depend on the use of exis­ting and newly deve­lo­ped tech­no­lo­gies. The main chall­enge at present is to roll out these tech­no­lo­gies quickly and widely around the world. 

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