
What constitutes leadership qualities in a supervisory board?


First of all, leader­ship quality has nothing to do with a manage­ment posi­tion. Leader­ship quali­ties are beha­vi­ors, skills and compe­ten­cies that enable mana­gers to moti­vate, promote and lead their employees in a goal-orien­­ted manner. This prima­rily includes soft skills — perso­nal, social, psycho­lo­gi­cal and metho­do­lo­gi­cal skills such as self-mana­ge­­ment, empa­thy and passion. 

Vision and leader­ship qualities

Effec­tive board work goes beyond mere admi­nis­tra­tive and control tasks and combi­nes both logi­cal and psycho­lo­gi­cal skills. As chair­man, it is essen­tial to formu­late a clear and compel­ling vision for the board that aligns with the organization’s purpose. This vision should not be the exclu­sive domain of the board chair, but a colla­bo­ra­tive effort that invol­ves all board members and fosters deep, shared commitment. 

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