FYB Company Profiles


Private equity

Alphaville Capital GmbH & Co. KG

Alpha­ville Capi­tal is an entre­pre­neu­ri­ally mana­ged invest­ment office focu­sing on small and mid-sized compa­nies in…
Subsi­dia­ries: Munich
Family Offices

Alphaville Capital GmbH & Co. KG

Alpha­ville Capi­tal is an entre­pre­neu­ri­ally mana­ged invest­ment office focu­sing on small and mid-sized compa­nies in…
Subsi­dia­ries: Munich
Private equity

Ambienta Capital

Ambi­enta invests in compa­nies driven by envi­ron­men­tal sustaina­bi­lity trends, irre­spec­tive of the sectors they operate…
Subsi­dia­ries: Milan · Munich · London…
Venture Capi­tal

Ananda Ventures GmbH

Ananda Impact Ventures mana­ges € 200 million and is the first impact VC fund with…
Subsi­dia­ries: Munich · London
Corpo­rate Finance/M&A

Aquin & Cie. AG

Our team is domi­na­ted by perso­na­li­ties who previously were either entre­pre­neurs them­sel­ves or have held…
Subsi­dia­ries: Munich · Lindau (Lake Constance)
Private equity

Arcaris Management GmbH

As an inde­pen­dent part­ner-owned invest­ment company, loca­ted in Dues­sel­dorf, we invest in small and medium-sized…
Subsi­dia­ries: Duesseldorf
Private equity

ARDIAN Germany GmbH

ARDIAN is a world-leading private invest­ment house with assets of $ 166 bn mana­ged or…
Subsi­dia­ries: Frank­furt · London · Paris…
Private Debt, Mezza­nine and Private Debt, Mezzanine

ARDIAN Germany GmbH

ARDIAN is a world-leading private invest­ment house with assets of $ 166 bn mana­ged or…
Subsi­dia­ries: Frank­furt · London · Paris…
Family Offices


ARGOS has supported the deve­lo­p­ment of the family busi­nesses of Dr Hans Peter Maas­sen and…
Subsi­dia­ries: Munich
Corpo­rate Finance/M&A


ARNOLD CAPITAL stands for quali­fied corpo­rate finance‑, M&A‑, real estate-services. We support and advise our…
Subsi­dia­ries: Dies­sen am Ammersee
Lawy­er­s/­Tax-advi­sor­s/Au­di­tors and Lawy­ers, tax consul­tants, auditors

ARQIS Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB

ARQIS is an inde­pen­dent law firm opera­ting inter­na­tio­nally. About 80 lawy­ers and legal specia­lists provide…
Subsi­dia­ries: Dussel­dorf · Munich · Tokyo…
Manage­ment Consul­tant, Inves­tor Relations

Ascenion GmbH

Ascen­ion disco­vers, secu­res and markets commer­ci­ally attrac­tive rese­arch results in the life-scien­ces. As part­ner of…
Subsi­dia­ries: Munich · Neuher­berg · Berlin…
Manage­ment Consul­tant, Inves­tor Relations

asvin GmbH

Foun­ded in 2018, asvin deve­lops and distri­bu­tes state-of-the-art cyber secu­rity soft­ware, which was deve­lo­ped in…
Subsi­dia­ries: Stutt­gart (Germany) · Boston, Mass.…
Support / Networks and Funding agen­cies, networks

aws i2 Business Angels

i2 Busi­ness Angels Austria (on behalf of Austria Wirt­schafts­ser­vice) matches start-ups with seed and early…
Subsi­dia­ries: Vienna
HR-Consul­tants and HR Consultant

AXON Personalberatung

For more than 15 years, AXON has been placing entre­pre­neu­rial leaders, mostly at manage­ment and…
Subsi­dia­ries: Munich
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