
Growth at HANNOVER Finanz: Robert Pauli new partner

10. March 2020

Hano­ver — He has been active in the invest­ment busi­ness for more than 20 years: Robert Pauli (photo), a graduate engi­neer, comes from a family busi­ness hims­elf and knows what makes medium-sized compa­nies tick. At HANNOVER Finanz, an equity part­ner specia­li­zing in SMEs, his respon­si­bi­li­ties include port­fo­lio development.

Robert Pauli has been a part­ner in the HANNOVER Finanz Group since March 2020. The 46-year-old comes from a medium-sized family busi­ness in Colo­gne and disco­vered his passion for the invest­ment busi­ness early on. “Private equity should help to main­tain medium-sized compa­nies and support them in succes­sion and growth,” is Robert Pauli’s convic­tion. After study­ing elec­tri­cal engi­nee­ring in Colo­gne, the graduate engi­neer went on to study busi­ness in London, gradua­ting with an M.A. in Busi­ness and Manage­ment. He then joined the invest­ment company Nord Holding in 1999 and was invol­ved in nume­rous corpo­rate tran­sac­tions. He was employed at the invest­ment company, which origi­nally belon­ged to NordLB, until 2017 — most recently as a member of the manage­ment board and was respon­si­ble for port­fo­lio deve­lo­p­ment. From 2017, the father of two and convin­ced Hano­ver­ian by choice mana­ged epa Dosier­tech­nik GmbH in Colo­gne, where he arran­ged the succes­sion in his parents’ busi­ness. He will conti­nue to be asso­cia­ted with his family busi­ness as a shareholder.

About the HANNOVER Finanz Group
Foun­ded in 1979, the HANNOVER Finanz Group has more than 40 years of expe­ri­ence as an equity part­ner for SMEs. The private equity house based in Hano­ver and Vienna is one of the first venture capi­ta­lists for the D‑A‑CH region in Germany. Well-known compa­nies such as Fiel­mann, Ross­mann and AIXTRON have reali­zed their growth with equity capi­tal from the HANNOVER Finanz Group and taken advan­tage of its entre­pre­neu­rial support. The Group also invests in company succes­si­ons and medium-sized struc­tu­red carve-outs or spin-offs. The basis for the long-term invest­ments in medium-sized compa­nies are the curr­ently five active ever­green funds with an unli­mi­ted term.

The inves­tors are mainly insu­rance compa­nies or profes­sio­nal pension funds. HANNOVER Finanz’s commit­ments range from tradi­tio­nal indus­tries to trade and new tech­no­lo­gies. Since its foun­da­tion, the equity part­ner for SMEs has been growing conti­nuously, and with it the number of successfully comple­ted invest­ments. Invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties are mainly growth finan­cing and succes­sion plan­ning for solid medium-sized compa­nies with annual sales of 20 million euros or more. In addi­tion to majo­rity share­hol­dings, the HANNOVER Finanz Group is one of the few invest­ment compa­nies in Germany to acquire mino­rity inte­rests. The port­fo­lio curr­ently includes 35 companies.

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