
H.I.G.: Markus Noe-Nordberg becomes MD of the middle PE market in Europe

Cate­gory: People
5. Febru­ary 2019

London — H.I.G. Capi­tal, a leading global private equity firm with over EUR 26 billion in equity under manage­ment, appoints Markus Noe-Nord­­berg (photo) as Mana­ging Direc­tor and head of its new Euro­pean mid-cap busi­ness, which will comple­ment H.I.G.’s exis­ting Euro­pean small-cap activities.

The small-cap team focu­sing on medium-sized compa­nies with an enter­prise value of up to EUR 250 million will conti­nue to invest from the current EUR 825 million fund as before.

Markus Noe-Nord­­berg will lead the private equity acti­vi­ties in the mid-cap segment from London and work closely with the estab­lished local invest­ment teams. He has over 30 years of expe­ri­ence in corpo­rate finance and leverage buyout. Prior to joining H.I.G. Capi­tal, he was a part­ner and one of the foun­ders of Pamplona Capi­tal. Previously, he was a Mana­ging Direc­tor and Co-Head in the Finan­cial Spon­sors Group at Gold­man Sachs in London.

Sami Mnaym­neh and Tony Tamer, foun­ders and co-CEOs of H.I.G., commen­ted, “We are very plea­sed to have Markus join H.I.G.. Given his back­ground and expe­ri­ence, he is the ideal fit to lead our new private equity acti­vi­ties in the Euro­pean mid-cap segment.”

Commen­ting on his new role, Noe-Nord­­berg said: “I am deligh­ted to build on H.I.G.’s success in Europe in the small-cap and lower mid-cap markets, where the firm has alre­ady secu­red a leading posi­tion in private equity with five offices. We are now broa­de­ning our invest­ment focus to include larger tran­sac­tions valued between EUR 250 million and EUR 750 million — a market segment in which the firm has been a successful player in the U.S. for more than a decade.”

About H.I.G. Capital
H.I.G. is a leading global alter­na­tive asset invest­ment firm with over EUR 26 billion in equity under manage­ment.* The company is head­quar­te­red in Miami and has U.S. offices in New York, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Ange­les, San Fran­cisco and Atlanta, as well as inter­na­tio­nal branch offices in London, Hamburg, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Bogotá, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. H.I.G. specia­li­zes in the provi­sion of debt and equity capi­tal to small and medium-sized compa­nies, pursuing a flexi­ble, opera­tio­nally orien­ted and value-enhan­cing approach:

1. H.I.G. invest­ment funds invest in manage­ment buyouts, corpo­rate reor­ga­niza­ti­ons, and spin-offs of both profi­ta­ble and distres­sed manu­fac­tu­ring and service companies.
2. H.I.G.’s debt funds invest in senior, unitran­che and subor­di­na­ted debt finan­cing tran­sac­tions with compa­nies of all sizes, both directly and through secon­dary markets. In addi­tion, H.I.G. is a leading CLO mana­ger through its White­Horse port­fo­lio and mana­ges a publicly traded BDC through White­Horse Finance.
3. H.I.G. real estate funds invest in upgraded proper­ties that can bene­fit from better asset manage­ment methods.

Since its foun­ding in 1993, H.I.G. has inves­ted in and mana­ged over 300 compa­nies world­wide. The company’s port­fo­lio curr­ently includes over 100 compa­nies with combi­ned total reve­nues of over €28 billion. For more infor­ma­tion, visit H.I.G.’s website at

* Based on total capi­tal commit­ments mana­ged by H.I.G. Capi­tal and part­ner firms.

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