Photo: Dr. Peter Christian Schmidt, partner at Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek in Hamburg

HEUKING advises Peter Möhrle Holding on the sale of GROFA

Photo: Dr. Peter Chris­tian Schmidt, part­ner at Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek in Hamburg
27. June 2024

Hamburg — Peter Möhrle Holding sells Grofa Action Sports (Bad Camberg, Germany) to the elec­tro­nics group Darfon Elec­tro­nics (Taoyuan City, Taiwan). In a first step, the tran­sac­tion compri­ses the acqui­si­tion of 80% of the shares in Grofa Action Sports GmbH, which was foun­ded in 1980, with the option to expand to 100%. A team led by HEUKING part­ner Dr. Peter Chris­tian Schmidt advi­sed Peter Möhrle Holding on this transaction.

Grofa Action Sports GmbH is a distri­bu­tor of bicy­cles, e‑bikes and their compon­ents, bicy­cle and sports access­ories. The sales network covers Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Nether­lands, Luxem­bourg and Poland. In total, Grofa serves over 5,800 retail­ers and major custo­mers. Grofa curr­ently repres­ents 27 premium sports brands with a focus on brand deve­lo­p­ment, brand manage­ment and market expan­sion. In 2023, Grofa achie­ved a turno­ver of more than 100 million euros.

Darfon Elec­tro­nics is a Taiwa­nese elec­tro­nics group mainly enga­ged in the rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment, manu­fac­tu­ring and sales of precis­ion compu­ter peri­phe­ral products and compon­ents for green energy products. For Darfon, the acqui­si­tion marks its first entry into the German market and a targe­ted expan­sion in the Euro­pean e‑bike sector.

The tran­sac­tion is still subject to appr­oval by the anti­trust authorities.

Consul­tant Peter Möhrle Holding: HEUKING

Dr. Peter Chris­tian Schmidt (in charge),
Dr. Julius Wede­meyer, LL.M. (both corpo­rate law/M&A),
Dr. Stefan Brett­hauer (Merger Control),
Dr. Hans Markus Wulf (IP, Media & Technology),
Natha­lie Hemmer­ling (Corpo­rate Law/M&A),
Jia-Xi Liu (Merger Control), all Hamburg

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