Photo: From left: Roman Rericha, Partner and Adrian Zuschmann, Partner at Brandl Talos in Vienna (© brandl talos)

KKR and Highland Europe invest in smaXtec

Photo: From left: Roman Rericha, Part­ner and Adrian Zuschmann, Part­ner at Brandl Talos in Vienna (© brandl talos)
21. Janu­ary 2025

Graz (Austria) — smaX­tec, a leading provi­der of agri­cul­tu­ral tech­no­logy for the global dairy indus­try, has announ­ced a growth invest­ment led by global invest­ment firm KKR and tech­no­logy inves­tor High­land Europe. BRANDL TALOS is advi­sing High­land Europe on this tran­sac­tion. smaX­tec is an inno­va­tive moni­to­ring plat­form that is revo­lu­tio­ni­zing dairy farming by incre­asing effi­ci­ency and support­ing animal health through its tech­no­logy. The plat­form enables early detec­tion of dise­ase, moni­tors ferti­lity using heat detec­tion and redu­ces birth-rela­­ted compli­ca­ti­ons — all of which contri­bute to impro­ving cow welfare and farm produc­ti­vity. At the heart of smaXtec’s inno­va­tion is the In-Vivo-Bolus, a proprie­tary sensor that is placed in a cow’s stomach. This sensor provi­des accu­rate, real-time data that is seam­lessly inte­gra­ted into a cloud-based, AI-powered analy­tics plat­form. Farmers can access actionable insights and alerts via remote moni­to­ring, enab­ling them to make timely and infor­med decis­i­ons. The High­land Europe team was led by David Blygh­ton, Will De Quant and Jo Healy. 

Consul­tant smaX­tec: BRANDL TALOS, Vienna

Led by Roman Rericha, part­ner, and assis­ted by Adrian Zuschmann, part­ner, High­land Europe advi­sed on all legal aspects of the tran­sac­tion.

About High­land Europe (London/ UK)

Our team consists of expe­ri­en­ced inves­tors with opera­tio­nal and corpo­rate finance exper­tise. We have the right people to address your criti­cal busi­ness chal­lenges — either through our exten­sive network, which includes other foun­ders and board members of the global High­land family (inclu­ding in the US and China), or through expe­ri­en­ced opera­tors with diverse exper­tise.


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