Photo: Christian Schneider-Sickert is founder and CEO of LIQID

LIQID closes fourth private equity fund at 200 million euros

Photo: Chris­tian Schnei­der-Sickert is foun­der and CEO of LIQID
11. July 2023

Berlin — LIQID closes the fourth gene­ra­tion of its private equity offe­ring with a record volume of 200 million euros. This makes the fund Europe’s largest private equity fund of funds for high net worth private inves­tors. The bank-inde­­pen­­dent wealth mana­ger LIQID is coming ever closer to its goal of demo­cra­tiz­ing high-yield asset clas­ses. The fifth gene­ra­tion of its private equity offe­ring has alre­ady been launched.

Compared to the prede­ces­sor fund, the fourth gene­ra­tion of LIQID Private Equity has grown by another third. “Expe­ri­en­ced retail inves­tors have an ever-incre­a­sing inte­rest in alter­na­tive asset clas­ses. The rene­wed record volume of our private equity fund shows: Aware­ness of the advan­ta­ges of private equity — after all, the highest-yiel­­ding asset class ( of the past three deca­des — is also growing outside the realm of major inves­tors and the finan­cial elite,” says Moritz von Rhein, Mana­ging Direc­tor and Head of Private Markets at LIQID. Conse­quently, LIQID has alre­ady laun­ched the fifth gene­ra­tion of its private equity offe­ring. With the new fund, the wealth mana­ger conti­nues to offer expe­ri­en­ced private inves­tors the oppor­tu­nity to invest in private equity on the same terms as smart money inves­tors, family offices and large foun­da­ti­ons. Retail inves­tors can invest through the LIQID fund offe­ring just like top insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors with indus­try giants such as KKR, EQT, Perm­ira and Bridgepoint.

Digi­tal, modern and cost-transparent

The Berlin-based Wealth­Tech, foun­ded in 2016, is thus pursuing a clear mission: “We want to provide finan­cial support to people who want to make a diffe­rence — in other words, the successful entre­pre­neurs, decis­­ion-makers and doers,” empha­si­zes CEO and LIQID foun­der Chris­tian Schnei­­der-Sickert. “Our clients use busi­ness as a vehicle to create prospe­rity for all. They are aware of their corpo­rate respon­si­bi­lity and deserve the invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties of tomor­row. We make exactly that possi­ble: with a digi­tal, modern and cost-tran­s­­pa­­rent offe­ring that is other­wise only available to high-net-worth indi­vi­du­als in the family office.”

LIQID’s appro­xi­m­ately 8,000 custo­mers include entre­pre­neurs, physi­ci­ans and free­lan­cers, as well as execu­ti­ves from diverse indus­tries, not just the finan­cial sector. Curr­ently, the assets under manage­ment are around 2.5 billion euros. More than 2,500 inves­tors are inves­ted in the Private Markets segment alone. In addi­tion, LIQID offers nume­rous other wealth manage­ment products such as custo­mi­zed capi­tal market stra­te­gies and the recently laun­ched Money and Inte­rest Market programs.

Private equity drives democratization

“Even if the demo­cra­tiza­tion of high-yield asset clas­ses is gaining noti­ceable momen­tum: The entry barrier, which the regu­la­tor curr­ently defi­nes at 200,000 euros, is still too high for most private inves­tors. We at LIQID are ther­e­fore very plea­sed about the upco­ming chan­ges in Euro­pean regu­la­tion. These aim to further demo­cra­tize the market and make the bene­fits of alter­na­tive asset clas­ses more widely acces­si­ble,” says Moritz von Rhein, Mana­ging Direc­tor and Head of Private Markets. He sees great poten­tial espe­ci­ally in private equity: “In terms of demo­cra­tiza­tion, private equity is seve­ral years ahead of other alter­na­tive asset clas­ses.” This is another reason why LIQID conti­nues to actively work on opening the door to other asset clas­ses besi­des private equity, which were previously reser­ved for insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors. With success: 150 million euros were inves­ted in venture capi­tal by inves­tors at LIQID in the past two years.


LIQID, based in Berlin, is a bank-inde­­pen­­dent wealth mana­ger focu­sed on the needs of sophisti­ca­ted entre­pre­neurs, decis­­ion-makers and doers. The company’s invest­ment stra­tegy is based on the smart money prin­ci­ples of profes­sio­nal inves­tors such as family offices and endow­ment funds.

For a frac­tion of the invest­ment previously requi­red, LIQID provi­des access to invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties that were previously only available to very large fortu­nes. In addi­tion to indi­vi­dual wealth manage­ment start­ing at EUR 100,000, this includes profes­sio­nally cura­ted port­fo­lios from the world’s leading private equity, venture capi­tal and private real estate funds start­ing at EUR 200,000.

LIQID curr­ently mana­ges around 2.5 billion euros for its custo­mers. Among others, the company is backed by HQ Trust, the multi-family office of the Harald Quandt family, LGT, a private bank owned by the Prin­cely Family of Liech­ten­stein, and Project A, a Berlin-based venture capi­tal fund.

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