Photo: Hanno M. Witt, LL.M., Partner at McDermott Will & Emery, Munich (© mwe)

Main Capital Partners subsidiary Timegrip bei acquires Software4You

Photo: Hanno M. Witt, LL.M., Part­ner at McDer­mott Will & Emery, Munich (© mwe)
7. March 2025

Munich — Main Capi­tal Part­ners’ port­fo­lio company Time­grip has acqui­red Software4You, a provi­der of soft­ware for person­nel control­ling and person­nel cost plan­ning. The acqui­si­tion is the third step in the buy-and-build stra­tegy of Time­grip, in which Main Capi­tal Part­ners has been inves­ted since 2022. McDer­mott advi­sed Main Capi­tal Part­ners and Time­grip on this transaction. 

Foun­ded in 1995 and based in Denmark, Timegrip’s work­force manage­ment solu­ti­ons serve over 800 custo­mers in a variety of indus­tries, inclu­ding retail, hospi­ta­lity, health­care and logistics.

Software4You Planungs­sys­teme GmbH, based in Munich, offers solu­ti­ons for active and dyna­mic person­nel plan­ning, varia­ble compen­sa­tion design and orga­niza­tio­nal transformation.

Main Capi­tal Part­ners is a leading soft­ware inves­tor in the DACH region, the Bene­lux count­ries, the Nordic count­ries and the United States. Main Capi­tal mana­ges assets of around EUR 6 billion and main­ta­ins an active port­fo­lio of more than 50 soft­ware groups.

McDer­mott regu­larly advi­ses Main Capi­tal on tran­sac­tions, inclu­ding financing.

Advi­sors to Main Capi­tal Part­ners and Time­grip: McDer­mott Will & Emery, Munich

Hanno M. Witt, LL.M. (Photo)Holger H. Ebers­ber­ger, LL.M. (both lead, private equity), Dr. Matthias Weis­sin­ger (finance), Dr. Chris­tian Rolf (employ­ment law, Frank­furt), Stef­fen Woitz, LL.M. (IP/IT), Dr. Claus Färber (coun­sel, data protec­tion law), Marcus Fischer (coun­sel, tax law, Frank­furt); Asso­cia­tes: Dr. Manuel Weiß, Nicole Kaps, Marion Dalvai-König, Julia Külzer (all Private Equity), Matthias M. Bosbach (Düssel­dorf), Tim Becker (both Finance), Sönke Wasser­mann (Frank­furt), Janek Joos­ten (Düssel­dorf; both Employ­ment), Andreas H. Janßen (Liti­ga­tion, Colo­gne), Jan Ischreyt (Corpo­rate, Frankfurt) 

Gorris­sen Feder­spiel, Copen­ha­gen:

Mikael Philip Schmidt; Asso­ciate: Esben Gjet­rang (both Danish Local Counsel)

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