Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)
Phone: +49 228 969 87–0 | Contact: Roland Brooks · brooks@bvai.de | Christina Gaul · gaul@bvai.de
The association has made it its duty to comprehensively promote all persons and companies involved in the field of alternative investments and, in particular, to increase the popularity of alternative investments as an investment form as well as to educate the general public. It provides a constructive dialogue with political decision makers, with the aim to enforce reforms as well as to introduce suitable lawful conformities, in the interest of its members.
(1) Contact with important institutions in the financial sector such as BaFin (Federal controlling authority for financial services) and BMF (Ministry of Finance); (2) Forum for contacts, discussions and exchange of views; (3) Prevention of market malpractices; (4) Imparting knowledge through publications and circulars as well as the BAI-homepage concerning current developments in the alternative investments industry; (5) Regularly BAI-Newsletter; Info mails, Circular mails, Market mails, BAI Investor Survey; (6) Conducting webinars and lectures; (7) Conference organizer (BAI Alternative Investor Conference (AIC), BAI Insights, BAI Real Assets Symposium, BAI Private Debt Symposium, BAI InnovationsDay, BAI ESG Workshop); (8) Science funding in the field of alternative investments.