Accursia Capital GmbH
Phone: +49 89 2421 8877 00 | Contact: Martin Scheiblegger · info@accursia-capital.de
Industry sectors
Packaging, Logistics, Mobility, Metal Machining, Plastic Moulds, Industrials
Accursia Capital is a private equity holding and acquires and manages mid-sized companies facing special situations. The typical transaction targets have significant operational improvement potentials. Therefore, Accursia focuses on restructuring and turnaround cases as well as complex carve-out projects. Accursia adds value by post-transaction restructuring focused on sustainable profitability. The success of Accursia is due to a strong M&A team being able to identify and acquire companies with a strong performance improvement potential and an operational team, which is able to achieve the identified measures. The experienced and internationally oriented team of operational experts manages each acquired company and immediately focuses on the selective challenges the company is facing. Accursia pursues a long-term buy-and-build investment strategy. All portfolio companies are continuously being developed and expanded.