ODEWALD KMU Gesellschaft für Beteiligungen mbH
Phone: +49 30 201723–0 | Contact: Joachim von Ribbentrop · j.vonribbentrop@odewaldkmu.com
Industry sectors
Medtech & healthcare, IT/Software, German engineering and intelligent service solutions
The ODEWALD KMU I Fund was established in 2008 with a total fund volume of € 150 million and is an independent private equity company focussing on medium-sized companies in the DACH region. The current ODEWALD KMU II Fund manages capital of € 200 million. Targeted companies are profitable, fast-growing with an entrepreneurially minded and successful management and have a strong market position in their niche. Typical investment rationales are succession plans and/or growth/expansion financing. The management company is led by its managing partners with a long-proven track record of operating and top management experience.
ODEWALD KMU provides not only strategic support and capital to realize growth plans or customized succession plans for medium-sized firms, but also enables companies through its excellent network and private equity expertise to tap new markets and customer segments.