Photo: rezemo KAFFEE EDITION 2 (Photo: rezemo)

Menold Bezler advises rezemo Kaffee on sale to Gliss Caffee

Photo: rezemo KAFFEE EDITION 2 (Photo: rezemo)
26. Novem­ber 2024

Stutt­gart — Menold Bezler has advi­sed Filder­­stadt-based rezemo GmbH on the sale of its coffee busi­ness, inclu­ding the word mark “rezemo”, to Colo­­gne-based Gliss Caffee GmbH. The two foun­ders of rezemo, Stefan Zender and Julian Reitze, have estab­lished the sustainable wooden coffee capsu­les as a well-known coffee brand in the hotel and office sector via the TV show “Die Höhle der Löwen”. Follo­wing the sale of the coffee busi­ness, the foun­ders now want to concen­trate fully on sustainable pack­a­ging solu­ti­ons under the “fore­wood” brand, which are alre­ady being used as alter­na­ti­ves to plas­tic and alumi­num in the food, cosme­tics and agri­cul­tu­ral indus­tries. Gliss Caffee is a family busi­ness foun­ded by Michael Gliss that roasts and sells coffee. The certi­fied orga­nic company relies on direct, fair imports and exclu­si­vely offers its own roasts from a German orga­nic roas­ting plant. Menold Bezler advi­sed rezemo on all tran­­sac­­tion-rela­­ted legal issues.

Advi­sor rezemo GmbH: Menold Bezler (Stutt­gart)

Dr. Kars­ten Gschwandt­ner (Part­ner), Thomas Futte­rer (both lead), Linda Groß, Justus Häfner, Michelle Gutjahr, Lisa Marie Jäger (all Corporate/M&A), Isabelle Hörner (Commer­cial), Caro­lin Nemec, LL.M. (IT), Kath­rin Hoyer (Coun­sel, Employ­ment), Clemens Mauch (Part­ner), Laura Bommer (both Tax). (IT law), Kath­rin Hoyer (Coun­sel, employ­ment law), Clemens Mauch (Part­ner), Laura Bommer (both tax) About Menold Bezler

Menold Bezler is a commer­cial law firm in Stutt­gart with a part­ner­ship struc­ture and around 350 employees. More than 140 profes­sio­nals offer legal advice, tax advice, audi­ting and busi­ness advice from a single source. 

Our clients include well-known medium-sized compa­nies, listed corpo­ra­ti­ons, the public sector and its compa­nies as well as non-profit orga­niza­ti­ons. More at

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