Photo: Disptek: Dispense Technology for beverages and liquids

Micro Matic acquires DISPTEK Group with Heuking

Photo: Disp­tek: Dispense Tech­no­logy for bever­a­ges and liquids
8. Septem­ber 2023

Hamm/ Odense (Denmark) — Micro Matic prevai­led in a bidding process against seve­ral compe­ti­tors and acqui­res DISPTEK from the listed Dutch Aalberts Group, which is dispo­sing of the invest­ment for stra­te­gic reasons to opti­mize its own group struc­ture. A Heuking team led by part­ners Dr. Martin Imhof and Dr. Hermann Ali Hinde­rer, LL.M. provi­ded legal advice to Micro Matic on the acqui­si­tion of DISPTEK Group.

Micro Matic is the global market leader in dispen­sing solu­ti­ons for the beverage indus­try. Foun­ded in 1953, the tradi­tio­nal company is head­quar­te­red in Odense, Denmark. Today, 70 years later, Micro Matic employs around 1350 people world­wide and is repre­sen­ted by nine produc­tion sites, distri­bu­tion warehou­ses and compe­tence centers in 14 count­ries and on all conti­nents. In fiscal year 2022/2023, Micro Matic gene­ra­ted sales of €270 million with custo­mers of all sizes, from start­ups to major global beverage companies.

The DISPTEK Group compri­ses in parti­cu­lar the four compa­nies D.S.I. Geträn­ke­ar­ma­tu­ren GmbH, Taprite Inc., Disp­tek UK Ltd. and Vin Service S.r.l., which jointly pool their many years of exper­tise in the field of inno­va­tive and custo­mi­zed dispen­sing solu­ti­ons with loca­ti­ons in Germany, Italy, England and the USA. DISPTEK produ­ces and supplies, among other things, tops, keg connec­tions, pres­sure regu­la­tors, dispen­sing guns, taps, dispen­sing systems and refri­ge­ra­tion machi­nes for the beverage indus­try. The end markets include in parti­cu­lar brewe­ries, soda produ­cers, keg manu­fac­tu­r­ers, and the food service industry.

With the acqui­si­tion of the DISPTEK Group, Micro Matic is further expan­ding its global posi­tion as a leading supplier of dispen­sing systems while streng­thening its exper­tise in inno­va­tive digi­tal solutions.

Advi­sor Micro Matic: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek

Dr. Martin Imhof (Lead Part­ner), Düssel­dorf, Dr. Hermann Ali Hinde­rer, LL.M. (Univer­sity of San Diego), Stutt­gart, Sebas­tian Poll­meier, Düssel­dorf, Natha­lie Hemmer­ling (all Corporate/M&A), Hamburg;
Dr. Chris­tiane Vikto­ria Göb-Krumme (Commer­cial Law/M&A), Düsseldorf,
Fabian G. Gaffron, Simon Pommer, LL.M. (both tax law), both Hamburg,
Beatrice Stange, LL.M. (Kings’s College London) (merger control), Astrid Lued­tke (IP/IT), Michael Below (public law/environmental law), Sandra Janberg (public law), all Düsseldorf,
Michael Kreis­ler, LL.M. (Foreign Trade and Payments Law), Berlin,
Dr. Chris­toph Gerhard (Labor Law), Frank­furt am Main,
Fabian Schmitz (Real Estate Law), Düsseldorf,
Dr. Till­mann Peter Rübben, LL.M. (Insu­rance Law), Cologne,
Chris­tina Tsiti­ri­dis (Corpo­rate Finance), Düsseldorf

Kromann Reumert:
Bent Kemplar, Copen­ha­gen, Kath­rine Hyld­gaard Gamst, Copenhagen

Gianni & Origoni:
Kath­leen Lemmens, Milan, Riccardo Fogliano, Milan

Burr & Forman:
Ches­ter J. Hosch, Atlanta

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