Photo: Julian Will, Managing Director at Nachfolgekontor (© Nachfolgekontor)

Nachfolgekontor supports MAIBACH in takeover by Nolex

Photo: Julian Will, Mana­ging Direc­tor at Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor (© Nachfolgekontor)
26. Septem­ber 2024

Wetz­lar / Göppin­gen / Wollerau (CH) — Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor, in asso­cia­tion with sonn­tag corpo­rate finance, has advi­sed the owner family of MAIBACH Verkehr­s­­si­cher­heits- und Lärm­schutz­ein­rich­tun­gen GmbH (“MAIBACH”) in the course of a succes­sion plan by the new owner NOLEX AG (“NOLEX”).
MAIBACH was foun­ded in 1946 with its head­quar­ters in Göppin­gen, Baden-Würt­­te­m­­berg, and has since posi­tio­ned itself as a leading specia­list for traf­fic safety and noise protec­tion equip­ment in Germany.
With its three largely inde­pendently opera­ting divi­si­ons — Traf­fic Safety, Reptile and Amphi­bian Protec­tion and Noise Protec­tion Systems — MAIBACH offers its custo­mers a wide range of inno­va­tive and high-quality products as well as services and instal­la­tion work.
MAIBACH’s long-stan­­ding custo­mer base includes, in parti­cu­lar, compa­nies from the traf­fic safety and (road) cons­truc­tion sectors. New owner for further growth As part of an age-rela­­ted succes­sion, the owner family is now handing over the compa­nies MAIBACH VUL GmbH, based in Göppin­gen, MAIBACH AUS GmbH, based in Strobl am Wolf­gang­see, and MAIBACH VUL GmbH, based in St. Gallen, to the new owner NOLEX.
The Swiss invest­ment holding company based in Wollerau (CH) has focu­sed on the long-term deve­lo­p­ment of medium-sized compa­nies in Switz­er­land, southern Germany and Vorarl­berg (AT).
“We are deligh­ted to have found a new, strong part­ner in NOLEX, who will take MAIBACH’s previous success story to a new level in the long term and with compre­hen­sive exper­tise,” says Hans-Dieter Maibach. Stra­te­gic succes­sion plan­ning is beco­ming incre­asingly important For the Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor project team, led by Julian Will, Dennis Minnert and Sebas­tian Ring­leb, the take­over marks the 22nd tran­sac­tion they have supported this year.
“MAIBACH opera­tes in a dyna­mic market envi­ron­ment in which stra­te­gic corpo­rate decis­i­ons are beco­ming incre­asingly important along­side tech­ni­cal inno­va­tions. Road safety tech­no­lo­gies must be conti­nuously deve­lo­ped in order to keep pace with the requi­re­ments of auto­ma­ted and connec­ted driving. At the same time, there is incre­asing pres­sure to find ecolo­gi­cally compa­ti­ble solu­ti­ons that ensure both the protec­tion of amphi­bi­ans and the reduc­tion of traf­fic noise,” explains Dennis Minnert, Senior Asso­ciate at Nachfolgekontor.
Julian Will, Mana­ging Direc­tor at Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor, adds: “A successful succes­sion plan is crucial not only to secure a sustainable market posi­tion, but also to drive forward the long-term deve­lo­p­ment of the company. We are ther­e­fore all the more plea­sed that in NOLEX we have been able to iden­tify the ideal part­ner for our client, with whose support MAIBACH can once again expand its pionee­ring role within the indus­try.” About Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor and sonn­tag corpo­rate finance Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor GmbH, toge­ther with sonn­tag corpo­rate finance GmbH, is one of the leading M&A advi­sory firms in the German SME sector. The team of almost 30 experts accom­pa­nies medium-sized entre­pre­neurs exclu­si­vely through the entire sales process. “Our task is to safe­guard life’s work,” is how we see oursel­ves. In doing so, custo­mers bene­fit from a unique approach that has won multi­ple awards from the busi­ness press, and which protects the iden­tity of their compa­nies to a special degree. Thanks to their excel­lent access to medium-sized compa­nies, Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor and sonn­tag corpo­rate finance have also estab­lished them­sel­ves as a strong part­ner at the side of renow­ned natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal major compa­nies and inves­tors in acqui­si­ti­ons. This is also demons­tra­ted by the top posi­tion recently achie­ved at the Merger­mar­ket League Table. With a total of ten accom­pa­nied tran­sac­tions in the first quar­ter of 2024, the M&A consul­tancy ranks first in Germany. | About MAIBACH Verkehr­s­­si­cher­heits- und Lärm­schutz­ein­rich­tun­gen GmbH About Nolex

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