Photo: David Reger, founder and CEO of NEURA Robotics (Photo © Neura Robotics)

NEURA Robotics receives € 120 million Series B financing

Photo: David Reger, foun­der and CEO of NEURA Robo­tics (Photo © Neura Robotics)
28. Janu­ary 2025

Metzin­gen — NEURA Robo­tics, a pioneer in cogni­tive robo­tics and Germany’s only manu­fac­tu­rer of huma­noid robots, has recei­ved a Series B finan­cing round of 120 million euros. This invest­ment under­lines NEURA Robo­tics’ key role in the robo­tics indus­try. With its unique posi­tio­ning, the company aims to lead the Euro­pean robo­tics indus­try and become a strong player in the global robo­tics land­scape against major play­ers from the US and China. The finan­cing round is led by Lingotto Invest­ment Manage­ment (invest­ment company of the Agnelli family). Blue­C­rest Capi­tal Manage­ment, Volvo Cars Tech Fund, Inter­Al­pen Part­ners, Vsquared Ventures, HV Capi­tal, Delta Elec­tro­nics, C4 Ventures, L‑Bank, the foun­der David Reger hims­elf and other play­ers are also invol­ved. Foun­ded in 2019, NEURA Robo­tics has quickly become a global leader in cogni­tive and huma­noid robo­tics by deve­lo­ping robots that can work seam­lessly with humans in indus­tries such as manu­fac­tu­ring, logi­stics and health­care. With its unique sensor tech­no­logy and AI inte­gra­tion, NEURA Robo­tics has laun­ched the world’s first cogni­tive cobot and is now a leader in the deve­lo­p­ment of market-ready huma­noid robots. In the past year alone, the NEURA Robo­tics team has doubled the number of employees to over 300 and increased sales tenfold. Under the leader­ship of foun­der and CEO David Reger, NEURA Robo­tics alre­ady has an order back­log of one billion euros. David Reger (photo © Neura Robo­tics), foun­der and CEO of NEURA Robo­tics: “The market poten­tial of cogni­tive robo­tics is grea­ter than that of the smart­phone. I am proud that NEURA has brought the first cogni­tive robot to the market and is the only German player in huma­noid robo­tics. The invest­ment shows the confi­dence of our inves­tors in my team and in the pionee­ring work we are doing for modern robo­tics in Europe.” Nikhil Srini­va­san, Mana­ging Part­ner at Lingotto Hori­zon: “We are proud to invest in NEURA Robo­tics and its visio­nary foun­der David Reger. NEURA’s excep­tio­nal tech­no­lo­gi­cal know-how and breakth­rough inno­va­tions are trans­forming both indus­trial and consu­mer robo­tics. With outstan­ding AI capa­bi­li­ties, an excep­tio­nal growth trajec­tory and a $1 billion order back­log, NEURA is poised to become a multi-billion dollar company and one of the most signi­fi­cant robo­tics compa­nies in the world.” Looking to the future, NEURA Robo­tics is not only focu­sed on its own expan­sion, but also on the long-term and sustainable growth of cogni­tive robo­tics in the heart of Europe. The fresh capi­tal will go towards further rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment and support the launch of new, world-leading products — all based on the company’s proprie­tary Neur­averse plat­form. The Neur­averse is an ecosys­tem that will acce­le­rate inno­va­tion in cogni­tive robo­tics through various elements such as an opera­ting system for cogni­tive robo­tics and a market­place for robo­tic capa­bi­li­ties. Given NEURA Robo­tics’ exten­sive port­fo­lio and track record, inves­tors expect further growth and rapid progress in inno­va­tion and deve­lo­p­ment in the coming years. 

Advi­sor Neura Robo­tics GmbH: LUTZ | ABEL 

Phil­ipp Hoene, lead (Venture Capi­tal, Munich); Roman Krug (Venture Capi­tal, Munich), Ute Schenn (Commer­cial / Anti­trust, Stutt­gart) and Dr. Daniel Petzold (Anti­trust / Foreign Trade Law, Munich).

Other legal advi­sors (among others)

Taylor­Wes­sing | Dr. Maria Weiers, Dr. Marcel Leines — Advi­sor Lingotto

GvW | Titus Walek, Alex­an­der Metz — Advi­sor Vsquared Ventures

V14 | Frank Vogel — Consul­tant Blue Crest

PWC | Gerhard Wacker, Dr. Georg Queis­ner, Dr. Minkus Fischer — Consul­tant L‑Bank

Noerr | Felix Blobel, Daniel Fuchs, Celine Harms — Advi­sor Delta Electronics

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