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From entrepreneur to seller — How exit readiness maximizes company value

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From entrepreneur to seller — How exit readiness maximizes company value

Dr. Willem Keij­zer — Foun­der and Mana­ging Direc­tor of CNX Tran­sac­tion Part­ners, Munich / Amsterdam

Even in times when the economic news is characterized by multiple crises, many shareholders are faced with one of the most important decisions of their lives - the sale of their company. In the post-Covid era, buyers were still eager to purchase companies and often outbid each other in bidding processes with top prices; today, buyers are much more cautious in the current market and many sellers are finding it difficult to achieve their goals.

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From entrepreneur to seller - How exit readiness maximizes company value


Dr. Willem Keijzer

Position author

Founder and Managing Director of CNX Transaction Partners, Munich / Amsterdam