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“Sustainable Finance” — Megatrend in Capital Investment or just Bureaucratic Effort?

 2,90 inkl. MwSt.


“Sustainable Finance” — Megatrend in Capital Investment or just Bureaucratic Effort?

Dr. Gerhard Schwartz — Attor­ney at Law at ARQIS Attor­neys at Law, Munich

The increasing urgency to respond to global climate change has led to a strong push at the European political level for measures that are currently being pushed through the legislative process with vehemence. With the change in the European Commission and the proclamation of the "European Green Deal", this important goal is being pushed forward with even higher priority. - By 2021 at the latest, all financial market participants and large companies will have to seriously address the issue of sustainability. The reason for this are some trend-setting regulations of the European Union.

The foundations of an at least globally conceived action plan for the transformation to a sustainable and climate-protecting economy are formed by the UN Convention
"2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" and the Paris Climate Agreement. Both documents were already adopted in 2015. At the European level, the High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance has been meeting since 2016 to develop proposals for a sustainable finance framework for the EU Commission. The objective was to channel the financial sector's capital into sustainable growth and mobilize it to tackle climate change.

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"Sustainable Finance" - Megatrend in Capital Investment or just Bureaucratic Effort?


Dr. Gerhard Schwartz


Lawyer with ARQIS Attorneys at Law, Munich