Photo: Volocpter's VoloCity Aircraft on sightseeing flight in Bruchsal © Volocopter

Raue advises Volocopter on Series E financing of Euro 135m.

Photo: Volocpter’s Volo­City Aircraft on sight­see­ing flight in Bruch­sal © Volocopter
8. March 2022

Berlin — Raue has compre­hen­si­vely advi­sed German air cab company Volo­c­op­ter on a Series E finan­cing round worth €153 million. Volo­c­op­ter plans to use the new capi­tal to acce­le­rate certi­fi­ca­tion of the elec­tric passen­ger air cab and its launch in initial cities.

The first signing of the Series E finan­cing round was led by new South Korean inves­tor WP Invest­ment. In addi­tion, Honey­well also parti­ci­pa­ted for the first time. Many exis­ting inves­tors, inclu­ding Atlan­tia, Whysol and btov Part­ners, also re-inves­­ted in this finan­cing round. Even before the latest round of finan­cing, the company had surpas­sed the magic unicorn mark for start­ups with a valua­tion of around EUR 1.5 billion.

Raue advi­sed Volo­c­op­ter, as in the previous finan­cing rounds, in a lead role and compre­hen­si­vely on the Series E finan­cing, in parti­cu­lar on the corpo­rate, avia­tion, foreign trade and regu­la­tory aspects of the project.

About Volo­c­op­ter

Volo­c­op­ter brings Urban Air Mobi­lity (UAM) to the world’s mega­ci­ties and aims to improve the quality of life for people in cities with a whole new kind of mobi­lity. To this end, Volo­c­op­ter is working with part­ners to deve­lop a sustainable and scalable UAM ecosys­tem, inclu­ding infra­struc­ture and opera­ti­ons. Volocopter’s family of air vehic­les offers passen­gers (Volo­City and Volo­Con­nect) and goods (Volo­Drone) fast, safe and emis­­sion-free flights directly to their destination.

Advi­sor Volo­c­op­ter GmbH, Essen/Bruchsal: Raue, Berlin

Prof. Dr. Andreas Nelle (Part­ner, Lead, Corporate/M&A, PE/VC), Dr. Michael Gläs­ner (Coun­sel, Corporate/M&A, PE/VC), Fabian Massen­berg (Senior Asso­ciate, Corporate/ M&A, PE/VC), Dr. Michael Berg­mann (Part­ner, Foreign Trade Law, Anti­trust Law), Dr. Peter Roegele (Coun­sel, for Finan­cial Market Regu­la­tion / Invest­ment Law), Dr. Johan­nes Modest (Asso­ciate, Foreign Trade Law, Anti­trust Law).

About Raue

Raue is an inter­na­tio­nally active law firm based in Berlin. She provi­des compre­hen­sive advice to natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal compa­nies and public enti­ties on invest­ment projects, tran­sac­tions, regu­la­tory issues and conten­tious dispu­tes.

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