Photo: Round2 Management: Stefan Nagel, Jan Hillered, Christian Czernich (CEO), Isabella Herrmann-Schön

Round2 Capital continues to invest in Myra Security

Photo: Round2 Manage­ment: Stefan Nagel, Jan Hille­red, Chris­tian Czer­nich (CEO), Isabella Herrmann-Schön
10. Novem­ber 2020

Munich — Myra Secu­rity recei­ves another round of finan­cing from Round2 Capi­tal. The cyber secu­rity company is focu­sing on expan­sion in times of growing digi­ta­liza­tion. LUTZ | ABEL advi­ses Round2 Capi­tal on invest­ment in Myra Secu­rity. Round2 Capi­tal is a Vienna-based inves­tor, with a focus on scale-ups.

The Munich-based cyber secu­rity company offers its custo­mers a Secu­rity-as-a-Service cloud plat­form to protect their own data traf­fic as well as networks from poten­tial cyber attacks. The cyber secu­rity provi­der counts custo­mers such as the German govern­ment, various minis­tries, the Euro­pean Central Bank, various finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons and global e‑commerce play­ers among its custo­mers. Against the back­drop of growing digi­tiza­tion, demand is incre­asing for solu­ti­ons to protect these often highly sensi­tive data volu­mes from attack.

As a German provi­der, Myra Secu­rity is alre­ady well posi­tio­ned in the German and Euro­pean markets. Through the invest­ment, the company aims to further expand, deve­lop its service and increase its brand awareness.

Advi­sor Round2 Capi­tal GmbH: LUTZ | ABEL Rechts­an­walts PartG mbB
The consul­ting team around Jan-Phil­lip Kunz, LL.M. (Lead, VC / M&A, Munich) consis­ted of Dr. Corne­lius Renner (IT Law and Data Protec­tion, Berlin), Ute Schenn (Corpo­rate Law, Stutt­gart) and Caro­lin Lang, LL.M. (VC / M&A, Munich) together.

Advi­sor Myra Secu­rity GmbH: Baker Tilly (Daniel Laws)

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