Siemens: Issuance of the first crypto security in the amount of Euro 60 million.
Munich — For the first time, Siemens AG has issued a crypto security under the Electronic Securities Act in the amount of €60 million in a decentralized manner on a public blockchain. Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe acted as registrar and paying agent in the transaction. DekaBank, DZ Bank and Union Investment invested in the bearer bond. GSK Stockmann advised Siemens AG on the legal structuring and issuance of the crypto securities bond under the German Electronic Securities Act (eWpG). This is the first issuance of a crypto security by a DAX-40 company in the millions.
New opportunities for electronic securities
The eWpG, which has been in force since June 2021, has made it possible for the first time in Germany to issue electronic securities in fully digital form, i.e. without a physical global certificate. The distinctive feature of crypto securities is that they are kept in a blockchain-based registry. To date, 20 such securities have been issued. With Siemens AG, one of Germany’s largest companies is now taking advantage of this opportunity on a substantial scale for the first time.
The parties have thus set a milestone in the development of digital securities in Germany in terms of the form and amount of the issue. The paper was registered in a decentralized registry on a public blockchain in accordance with the legal framework for electronic securities. The private keys are secured by Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG’s in-house crypto custodian, Hauck Aufhäuser Digital Custody (HADC). This structure meant that settlement via a central securities depository or a market maker was not necessary. The parties could thus deal directly with each other bilaterally and settle the paper through the register.
GSK Stockmann and a team led by Frankfurt partner Dr. Tobias Riethmüller advised Siemens AG on the capital markets and banking regulatory aspects of the issue. Among other things, the advice related to support in the drafting and negotiation of the required contractual documents (bond terms and conditions, issuance agreement, crypto securities registration agreement, paying agent agreement) as well as compliance under the eWpG.
GSK Stockmann was able to draw on experience in the project, among other things, from advising on one of the first ever blockchain securities transactions in Germany, which also involved Siemens AG in 2019. Most recently, GSK Stockmann advised Deutsche Finance Group on the issuance of an electronic security in November 2022, also led by Dr. Tobias Riethmüller.
Advisors to Siemens AG: GSK Stockmann
Dr. Tobias Riethmüller (Lead Partner, Banking and Capital Markets), Dr. Timo Patrick Bernau (Banking and Financial Regulatory Law); Associates: Patrick Wambold (Banking and Capital Markets, Digital Financing Platforms), Dr. Martin Freytag (Banking and Financial Regulatory Law)
Heuking advised Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG on the first crypto securities issue of Siemens AG, led by Frankfurt partner Dr. Dr. Johannes Blassl. Also advising on various aspects of the transaction were partner Dr. Anne de Boer, partners Dr. Thorsten Kuthe and Dr. Christoph Gringel, and associates Linda Karl, Michèle von Lewinski and Lena Wagner.
The companies involved have thus set a milestone in the development of digital securities in Germany in terms of the form and amount of the issue. The paper was registered in a decentralized registry on a public blockchain, in accordance with the legal framework for electronic securities. The private keys were secured by Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG’s in-house crypto custodian, Hauck Aufhäuser Digital Custody (HADC).
As part of the transaction, various contracts had to be drawn up. In particular, new regulations such as the new Regulation on Requirements for Electronic Securities Registries (eWpRV) require crypto securities registrars to adhere to high regulatory standards for such transactions. For Dr. Dr. Johannes Blassl, who has been advising Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe on various projects for quite some time, this is his first transaction as a Partner at Heuking. The crypto and compliance expert had only joined Heuking in mid-January.
Advisors to Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
Dr. Dr. Johannes Blassl (lead), Frankfurt; Dr. Anne de Boer, LL.M., Stuttgart; Dr. Thorsten Kuthe, Cologne; Dr. Christoph Gringel, Michèle von Lewinski, Linda Karl, Lena Wagner, (all Capital Markets), all Frankfurt.