
signals Venture Capital: 6.1 million euro financing round for zenloop

18. June 2020

Berlin — Raue advi­sed early-stage inves­tor signals Venture Capi­tal on its invest­ment in start-up zenloop in a Series A finan­cing round. The finan­cing round totals €6.1 million. In addi­tion to signals Venture Capi­tal, the inves­tors also included the old inves­tors Nauta Capi­tal and Piton Capi­tal, which had joined zenloop as share­hol­ders a year ago. Photo: Markus Polke (left), Chris­tian Weni­ger, Signals Venture.

zenloop GmbH offers soft­ware that allows compa­nies to evaluate feed­back from their custo­mers or users.

signals Venture Capi­tal is an inde­pen­dent early-stage inves­tor based in Berlin, foun­ded by the Signal Iduna Group. signals Venture Capi­tal invests prima­rily in tech compa­nies and focu­ses on seed to Series B finan­cing rounds.

Advi­sor signals Venture Capi­tal, Berlin: Raue
Dr. Jörg Jaecks (Part­ner, Lead, Corporate/M&A/Venture Capi­tal), Manuel Milde (Senior Asso­ciate, Labor Law), Dr. Max Fabian Starke (Asso­ciate, IP/IT), Fabian Massen­berg (Asso­ciate, Corporate/ M&A/Venture Capital).

About zenloop
zenloop is the leading inte­gra­ted expe­ri­ence manage­ment plat­form (IXM). The SaaS solu­tion auto­ma­ti­cally coll­ects custo­mer feed­back through various chan­nels along the custo­mer jour­ney, analy­zes and clus­ters it, and deri­ves tail­o­red measu­res to retain satis­fied custo­mers as well as win back chur­ning custo­mers. The zenloop soft­ware can be seam­lessly inte­gra­ted into solu­ti­ons such as Sales­force, Spry­ker, Emar­sys, Zendesk, Slack, or Shop­ify or used as an addi­tion to the exis­ting tech stack. The zenloop custo­mer port­fo­lio includes brands such as Momox, Douglas, Peek & Clop­pen­burg, A.T.U, Mister Spex, Food­spring, Carhartt, and Jochen Schwei­zer. The company was foun­ded in 2016 by the two former Flaconi foun­ders Björn Kolbmül­ler and Paul Schwar­zen­holz as well as Lukasz Lazew­ski and is based in Berlin with more than 50 employees.

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