Photo: Orlando Bravo, Founder and Managing Partner of Thoma Bravo (© Thoma Bravo)

Thoma Bravo closes first European fund at € 1.8 billion

Photo: Orlando Bravo, Foun­der and Mana­ging Part­ner of Thoma Bravo (© Thoma Bravo)
25. Febru­ary 2025

London (UK) — Thoma Bravo, a leading global soft­ware invest­ment firm, has announ­ced the comple­tion of the fund­rai­sing of its first Euro­pean fund, the Thoma Bravo Europe Fund (the “Fund”), with total capi­tal commit­ments of appro­xi­m­ately €1.8 billion.

The fund aims to invest in inno­va­tive, medium-sized soft­ware compa­nies in the most important Euro­pean markets. The aim is to support foun­ders, entre­pre­neurs and manage­ment teams in deve­lo­ping their compa­nies from Europe into global market leaders. The company sees great growth poten­tial with a view to the next gene­ra­tion of leading Euro­pean soft­ware companies. 

“Our first fund for invest­ments in the Euro­pean soft­ware indus­try is a signi­fi­cant mile­stone for our company,” says Orlando Bravo (photo), foun­der and Mana­ging Part­ner of Thoma Bravo. “We see a great oppor­tu­nity to support tech­no­logy pioneers in Europe and help them grow further. We are grateful for the long-term support of our investors.” 

“The closing of our first Euro­pean fund allows us to further streng­then our presence in the region,” says Irina Hemmers, Part­ner and Head of Thoma Bravo’s Euro­pean office in London. “Digi­ta­liza­tion in Europe is advan­cing rapidly and leading soft­ware compa­nies are incre­asingly looking for targe­ted support and invest­ment to realize their growth stra­te­gies. As a highly specia­li­zed inves­tor, we bring deca­des of opera­tio­nal exper­tise to the table. We believe that this expe­ri­ence can help leading regio­nal soft­ware compa­nies to deve­lop into Euro­pean cham­pi­ons and global market leaders.” 

Thoma Bravo has been inves­t­ing in Europe for 14 years and has alre­ady inves­ted more than €14 billion of equity in 16 tran­sac­tions in the region. Since opening its first inter­na­tio­nal office in London in 2023, Thoma Bravo’s Euro­pean team has acqui­red four compa­nies in the Nether­lands, Germany and Sweden, inclu­ding the €400 million take-private of EQS Group and growth invest­ments in USU, Hyper­gene and LOGEX. 

About Thoma Bravo

Thoma Bravo is one of the largest soft­ware inves­tors in the world with assets under manage­ment of more than 166 billion US dollars (as of Septem­ber 30, 2024). With private equity, growth equity and credit stra­te­gies, the company invests in growth-orien­­ted, inno­va­tive compa­nies opera­ting in the soft­ware and tech­no­logy sectors. Thoma Bravo lever­a­ges its deep indus­try exper­tise and proven stra­te­gic and opera­tio­nal capa­bi­li­ties to part­ner with its port­fo­lio compa­nies to imple­ment best prac­ti­ces in opera­ti­ons and drive growth initia­ti­ves. Over the past 20+ years, the firm has acqui­red or inves­ted in more than 500 compa­nies with an enter­prise value in excess of $265 billion, inclu­ding both control­ling and non-control­­ling invest­ments. The firm has offices in Chicago, Dallas, London, Miami, New York and San Fran­cisco.

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