Photo: A precision fitting produced by SCHUMAG AG

TPPI new main shareholder at SCHUMAG AG

Photo: A precis­ion fitting produ­ced by SCHUMAG AG
5. Octo­ber 2022

Colo­gne — BELGRAVIA & CO. exclu­si­vely advi­sed the main share­hol­ders of SCHUMAG AG (“SCHUMAG”, on the capi­tal increase against cash contri­bu­ti­ons with allo­ca­tion to exis­ting share­hol­ders and TPPI GmbH (“TPPI”) as addi­tio­nal, new main share­hol­der. The capi­tal increase was carried out by making full use of the Autho­ri­zed Capi­tal 2021.

SCHUMAG AG is a listed company with around 450 employees whose precis­ion products are “Made in Germany” and expor­ted world­wide. SCHUMAG produ­ces highly complex precis­ion parts made of steel, which are supplied to custo­mers world­wide accor­ding to custo­mer drawings in various quan­ti­ties, even into the milli­ons. In the stan­dard parts sector, SCHUMAG manu­fac­tures products for mold and tool making.

Aachen-based TPPI GmbH, backed by Aachen-based Profes­sor Dr. Thomas Prefi, joins regio­nally ancho­red major share­hol­ders as a further major share­hol­der in SCHUMAG AG as part of the capi­tal increase. Prefi is an adjunct profes­sor at RWTH Aachen Univer­sity and co-foun­­der of P3 Inge­nieur­ge­sell­schaft — the Umlaut Group, now part of Accenture.

SCHUMAG CEO Johan­nes Wienands sees the commit­ment of TPPI as a further buil­ding block for the future stra­tegy: “With Profes­sor Dr. Thomas Prefi, we are not only gaining a strong share­hol­der, but also smart capi­tal in the best sense of the word. Because he knows from his own entre­pre­neu­rial expe­ri­ence how change proces­ses have to be desi­gned and, with his network, is also a strong source of impe­tus for our most important change areas of digi­ta­liza­tion and auto­ma­tion.” The capi­tal increase is inten­ded in parti­cu­lar to imple­ment SCHUMAG AG’s growth strategy.

BELGRAVIA & CO. acted as exclu­sive M&A advi­sor to the sellers.

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